[10.15.2023] Updated content, AnKing Overhaul for Step 1 & 2/AnKingMed, ID 750840

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I like this significant improvement from initial card


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I gave this a thumbs up awhile ago, would like to review in depth but looks good to me

Going to merge in a couple days unless you’ve been able to look into this/have any further input

Just checked with AMBOSS and UW, seems like this is classic but the early/late stuff is definitely not the best rule for differentiating. UW even has one QID where it is SBO w/ 2-3 days obstipation/constipation and 2-3 hours vomiting. Overall, think this is huge improvement still and I support pushing

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@Cameron you can go ahead and push, but do we want 1b1?

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I do think we should do 1b1, it’s a lot more clozes that the original had, will be a bit much to digest initially

Do we need to include all this information? You only really had to recall 3 things before, now you need to recall 5 things total.

Is there something we can remove potentially and keep in extra?

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I think it’s ok in this instance, these 5 seem equally important to presentation to me and the fact it’s no longer cold memorization and has some prompting makes it easier to do despite having more information imo