[11.05.2024] Spelling/Grammar, AnKing Step Deck/AnKingMed, ID 2400316

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Could you change extra section to say “Onset usually in childhood” for added clarity?


Wording is awkward IMO - would sound better as “initially presents” or something like that. “Onsets” as a verb just sounds clunky


@AnKing-Maintainers I’m okay with any change really.
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:heart: initially presents
:+1: typically onsets
:clap: first occurs
:-1: Leave as is

I think “typically presents” sounds more natural


I read the suggested change before the rationale and tbh, I got confused. So I prefer to leave it as it is, or ‘initially present’ sounds like the best option here

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The problem with this is that it still implies that it’s mostly a problem before 20yo. Allergies don’t go away when you turn 20. You just usually know you have them before 20yo. Which is what this card needs to portray.

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Great point, this exactly what extra field can be used to clarify. I’ll work on something that we can tweak

{{c1::Allergic}} rhinitis is an upper airway pathology that typically presents in patients < 20 years old

Onset usually in childhood; with recurrent episodes throughout life typically following seasonal pattern

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IDK I still feel like “typically presents” makes it sound like it is rare to see allergic rhinitis in patient older than 20yo. which is the same as what the current card is saying.

I think there has to be a word that explains that we could say “typically first presents”

@AnKing-Maintainers Bump
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:heart: initially presents
:+1: first occurs
:-1: Leave as is

{{c1::Allergic}} rhinitis is an upper airway pathology that “Blank” in patients < 20 years old


Sorry to be this guy but I would argue for “often presents” or “often initally presents” because saying “initally presents” makes it sound as if allergic rhinitis always “itially presents” prior to age 20


should use often before any of the options.

that often initially presents in
that often first occurs in
that often occurs in

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I think the current wording of the suggestion is fine. Do we want to move this to slack