[11.13.2023] Updated content, AnKing Overhaul for Step 1 & 2/AnKingMed, ID 829675

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USMLE lab values has the reference range for fasting glucose set at 70-100; should probably change it to that?

AMBOSS diabetes article puts normal at <100 (https://next.amboss.com/us/article/3g0SE2?q=diabetes)
AMBOSS hypoglycemia article defines hypoglycemia as <70 in people w/ diabetes, <55 in people w/o diabetes (https://next.amboss.com/us/article/Pg0Wv2?q=hypoglycemia#Z2073da4b63c47c15dfe991223a4d9cd2)

Added #deck-AnKing Overhaul for Step 1 & 2-AnKingMed, rejected-suggestion and removed #deck-anking-overhaul-for-step-1–2-ankingmed, open-suggestion