[11.13.2024] Updated content, AnKing Step Deck/AnKingMed, ID 2433607

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I support the change. Can CBC be a correct ansewr to the first cloze?

Here’s what sickle cell disease article has under diagnosis.
I made changes based on what AMBOSS question explanation said. I can add CBC to extra field tho as a non specific test looking for anemia

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Ooof somehow the high yield tab got switched on… lol
Here’s the full details, but I still think CBC would fit better in extra field



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Need to check all Step 2 QIDs from UW - I can check the Step 3 QID

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Step 2 19731, 16278, 4439
Answer to all 3 is “Hemoglobin electrophoresis” and explanation for all 3 basically says “SCD diagnosis is confirmed with hemoglobin electrophoresis.” None of the other answer options are really related some are like blood cultures, G6PD testing, echocardiography, muscle biopsy. None of them discuss next best step or other tests used in SCD workup. They all just jump straight to confirmation test.

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Quick search of the deck I don’t see any cards testing “when” to get a blood smear in relation to SCD

Alternatively we could leave card as is. This may warrant a new card testing specific “first step”?

Should be good to approve after checking Step 3 QID

QID 5889 - “Gold standard for diagnosing SCD is hemoglobin electrophoresis”

(For what it’s worth, I am somewhat against this change given how much of the focus is on Hgb electrophoresis vs. one question from AMBOSS. Think we might be muddying the waters unnecessarily)

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I was wondering the same thing. Which is why I was thinking a new card might be more appropriate to keep it clear?

What is the initial screening test for SCD?

{{c1::Peripheral blood smear}}

I can see that and could be behind making a new card.