For context, AMBOSS specifically says dexamethasone for both Strep pneumo and H. flu meningitis (in treatment section and w/ clinician mode on in the special patient group section for treatment in children, specifically noting it may reduce hearing loss in the pop-up)
Would be okay adding strep pneumonia to the text (include both H Influenza type b and Strep pneumonia), but don’t think hearing loss should be changed - maybe add other info to extra section instead @herstein.jacob @Sameem @Ahmed7
I have no idea why this UW says that H. flu patients do not benefit from steroids considering that Step 2 UW says “In children, dexamethasone given before or with antibiotics reduces the risk of sensorineural hearing loss in Haemophilus influenzae type b meningitis.”
Same QID also says “In adults, dexamethasone reduces morbidity and mortality in S pneumoniae meningitis.”
Absolutely would not delete H. flu and would not change SNHL - ok to add S. pneumo, ok to comment in extra that it also reduces likelihood of seizures, focal deficits, etc.