[12.24.2024] Content error, AnKing-MCAT/AnKingMed, ID 2715345

Thanks for linking those. I’m happy to take a look at those links; I’ll try to squeeze some time in later today. :slight_smile:

I’ll take this moment, though, to link back to the submission guidelines just for clarity (particularly the section as to source citation and the kinds of sources we prefer, or less prefer): 📚 AnKing Step Deck Submission Guidelines

In particular, textbooks as citation (aside from MCAT-specific primary sources) are generally considered an unacceptable source. This is for a number of reasons, but the long-and-short of it is to avoid discrepancies, hew to exam-specific resources, and generally to defer to MCAT-particular sources as much as possible. This is a fairly intentional decision that has come about over much time, and consideration (and lots and lots of deck maintenance), for the AnKing team as a whole.

Ideal resources would, probably obviously, include Kaplan, UWorld, Khan, AAMC materials will pretty clearly be the gold standard reference point, and occasionally some less-often-used MCAT-specific resources like the Berkeley books and similar ilk. Without support from one of those resources, or similar, it’s generally (though not always) unfeasible to incentivize content-level changes to the deck as a habit.

I’m also generalizing here, as there are a few suggestions open and this particular one is relatively straightfoward so I don’t mean to imply that the above comments are intended as a downplay across the board. Much of this is to ensure appropriate workflows and deck maintenance as we onboard new maintainers to make sure that the deck stays spritely and healthy and in good hands on an ongoing basis (and, ultimately, to make life easier for both users and suggesters as well as deck maintainers). :slight_smile:

I’ll set some time aside, hopefully this afternoon, and give everything else a good look and we’ll go from there. :slight_smile: