👑 AnKing Step Deck Update #11

:crown: AnKing Step Deck Update #11

Date: October 15th - November 14th

Hi everyone! :wave:

I hope you’re all doing well!

Let’s check out what’s been cooking behind the scenes :fire:

:chart_with_upwards_trend: Deck Statistics

16,442 note updates! :tada:

3,609 new subscribers! :heart_hands:

:white_check_mark: Deck Updates

:question:Question Banks

★ UWorld: Tags added/updated for various QIDs (thanks to @mohannadkh10 and @beejumm)

:sparkler: Sketchy & Pixorize

★ Sketchy: High quality replacements for 100s of images added! (thanks to @musamalik)

SketchyPsych: All of SketchyPsych has been tagged! (thanks to @God_Have_MRSA and @ahmed7)

★ SketchyIM: New tags + hyperlinks + images added for various videos (thanks to @victoriamarino and @GroupG_Strep93 )

★ SketchyFM: Brand new tags, hyperlinks, and images added for Family Medicine videos! (thanks to @victoriamarino)

★ SketchyBiochem: New images for porphyria video (thanks to @tophamd)!

★ SketchyPath: New tags and images to videos that were missing (thanks to @joshuamb)!

★ SketchySurgery: New tags + images + hyperlinks for videos (thanks to @victoriamarino)

:video_camera: Video Resources

★ Bootcamp: 500+ tags and hyperlinks added to various cards (thanks to the official Bootcamp team!

★ Boards & Beyond Step 2: 300+ new tags added for BNB Step 2 videos (thanks to @a11exa)

:ribbon: Other

★ Illustrations: Tons of diagrams, illustrations, and annotated images added this month! (see below for examples)

★ PANCE: 1000s of new tags being added regularly! (thanks to @camicardona)

Formatting: Almost all instances of e.g. changed to e.g., to reflect proper grammar and formatting (thanks to @zarathustra)

:chart_with_upwards_trend: Project Progress

:lab_coat: Mnemonic Cards

New mnemonic cards added!

Some include:

  • Informed consent “WIPE it away”
  • Liver metastases “Can’t Get Pints”
  • Complications of PPROM “PAIL”
  • Treatment of COPD “COPDER”

And more!

:art: Illustration Projects

Tons of illustrations, diagrams, and annotated images have been added! Thanks to @ahmedafifi, @beejumm, @ianthebfg, @mohannadkh10, @melanieNTH, and @ahmed7!

If you want to help make great illustrations or diagrams or annotated images for the Step deck (like the ones you see below), send an email to anking.ahmedd@gmail.com

🫶🏼 Community Shoutouts

A few community members were outstanding with their suggestions this month and we want to highlight their dedication!

Top 5 community members with the most suggestions accepted in the last 30 days:

  1. @camicardona (3,206)
  2. @victoriamarino (1,525)
  3. @a11exa (326)
  4. @alexanderbezan (40)
  5. @tophamd (37)

🫶🏼 Most Liked Suggestions

Another domain we’d like to highlight is the number of likes/upvotes a user received for their suggestions in the last month! This usually means their suggestions were really well done and greatly benefited the deck:

  1. @Brian_BH (52 likes)
  2. @kva002 (9 likes)
  3. @jollydolphin (8 likes)
  4. @adavis98 (7 likes)
  5. @ankinovice (6 likes)

🫶🏼 Suggestion of the Month

The top suggestion with the most likes in the last 30 days was from user @patfan09 with a total of 8 likes

Thank you to everyone who submitted a suggestion this month! :heart:

:wave: Wrapping up

Thank you all for your time! Keep studying hard :muscle:

Take care everyone :heart:

If you have the time, please feel free to review us on AnkiWeb! → https://ankiweb.net/shared/info/1322529746 :heart_hands:

The AnKing Deck Maintainers :white_heart:

:link: Useful Links

Want to make a suggestion? Follow the guidelines → :books: AnKing Step Deck Submission Guidelines

Get support from our team here → https://community.ankihub.net or email us at support@ankihub.net

FAQs → :question: FAQs - AnkiHub Community 20

For Anki / AnkiHub tutorials → 🎥 Tutorials - AnkiHub Community

Check out the AnKing Step Deck wiki → [Wiki] AnKing Overhaul for Step 1 & 2 by AnKingMed

Follow us on Instagram → The AnKing (@ankingmed) • Instagram photos and videos

Want to volunteer to tag/add images for Sketchy/Pixorize/Boards & Beyond Step 2 or volunteer to make illustrations for the AnKing deck? Send an email to → anking.ahmedd@gmail.com


I don’t think I see the Patau Syndrome and Edwards syndrome illustrations in my deck, and my extra field is not protected. Is it possible there is something wrong with my AnkiHub syncing?

Hi! I can’t access the Google Drive folder for the compilation of images. It says that it has been deleted.

@bbao01 they’re being suggested very very soon! Just some final touches

@mpcdragon We had to take it down to make sure it isn’t being abused by non-subscribers. I made a post here about how to download the images, there are two methods and they’re relatively straight forward: How can I download AnKing images for my personal use?

Gotcha, thanks so much!


I saw on one of the last email updates that there was a link to the Illustrations (https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1qiPnQfKItMx0n2f7QsXrNLzJgGuITGcO?usp=sharing).

It says the folder has been deleted. I can’t find a link to it on the wiki either.

Is there a way to access the illustrations? I’ve found them super helpful and was hoping to browse through them.

Thanks and let me know!


We had to take it down to make sure it isn’t being abused by non-subscribers. I made a post here about how to download the images, there are two methods and they’re relatively straight forward: How can I download AnKing images for my personal use?

Hey! Thanks for the quick reply!

That’s helpful for sure.

Any way to browse them all or do I just need to look at them from the cards/browse manually?


You’d have to do it one by one with each card

To make it easier, here are some tags you can use to navigate to find which images you want to download


I dont have this in my tags. How can I fix this ?