๐Ÿ‘‘ AnKing Step Deck Update #15

Date: February 18th - March 21st

Hi everyone! :waving_hand:

I hope youโ€™ve all been doing well. We have a TON of new updates for you this month!! :tada:

:memo: This Monthโ€™s Deck Statistics

25,219 note updates! :tada:

5,897 new subscribers! :heart_hands:

:white_check_mark: Deck Updates

:red_question_mark:Question Banks

โ˜… AMBOSS: Question ID tags not relevant to questions have been removed from various cards (thanks to @DillingerMed)

โ˜… UWorld Step 3: New tags added for UWorld Step 3 questions! (thanks to @beejumm)

โ˜… NBME: New tags added for NBME Form 10 (thanks to @docox123)

:sparkler: Sketchy & Pixorize

โ˜… SketchyIM: New tags and images added for retired videos (thanks to @victoriamarino)

โ˜… SketchyOBGYN: New tags and images added for retired videos (thanks to @victoriamarino)

โ˜… SketchyPeds: New tags and images added for retired videos (thanks to @victoriamarino)

โ˜… Sketchy: Various formatting updates to the Sketchy field (thanks to @epcase)

:ribbon: Other

โ˜… AnkiHub Image Ready Tags: 10,000+ tags removed that are no longer necessary. These were used as part of the image replacement project 2 years ago.

โ˜… Tag Clean up: The $AnKingAdds and $AnKingUpdates tags have been removed to clean up the tag hierarchy as they are not necessary or needed anymore with AnkiHub syncing

โ˜… PANCE: 500+ new tags added! (thanks to @camicardona)

โ˜… Illustrations: Tons of new diagrams added! (thanks to @beejumm and @ahmedafifi)

:chart_increasing: Project Progress

:rocket: High Yield Project

Work on the Step 1 High yield project has resumed! We aim to have it completed within a few months (thanks to @mohannadkh10, @thomas.holmes, @jwill, and @Ahmed7)

:loudspeaker: New FSRS & Anki Settings Video

Make sure to check out the latest video on FSRS by The AnKing :crown:

:crown: Maintainer Guideline Update

Since First Aid 2025 has been released, starting from March 9th, 2025, all suggestions that use a First Aid source must be using the 2025 version. Any suggestions using 2024 or older will be rejected after March 9th, 2025

:hammer: New AMBOSS x Anki Feature Update

AMBOSS has recently rolled out an update where you will be able to select all questions you want to find cards on in a session, rather than just 1 question at a time. See how to do this below:

:artist_palette: Illustration Projects

Tons of illustrations, diagrams, and annotated images have been added! Thanks to @ahmedafifi, @beejumm, @IantheBFG, @mohannadkh10, @kxbacher, and @ahmed7!

If you want to help make great illustrations, diagrams, or annotated images for the Step deck (like the ones you see below), send an email to anking.ahmedd@gmail.com

:heart_hands:t3: Community Shoutouts

A few community members were outstanding with their suggestions this month and we want to highlight their dedication!

Top 5 community members with the most suggestions accepted in the last 30 days:

  1. @camicardona (1,923)
  2. @victoriamarino (1,478)
  3. @epcase (961)
  4. @Brian_BH (253)
  5. @AhmedAfifi (40)

:heart_hands:t3: Most Liked Suggestions

Another domain weโ€™d like to highlight is the number of likes/upvotes a user received for their suggestions in the last month! This usually means their suggestions were really well done and greatly benefited the deck:

  1. @Brian_BH (134 likes)
  2. @gnigam (58 likes)
  3. @jollydolphin (46 likes)
  4. @docox123 (24 likes)
  5. @adavis (9 likes)

:heart_hands:t3: Suggestion of the Month

The top suggestion with the most likes in the last 30 days was from user @jollydolphin with a total of 8 likes!

Thank you to everyone who submitted a suggestion this month! :heart:

:man_mechanic: New Maintainers

Weโ€™re happy to announce this months new maintainers! Theyโ€™ve been regular suggestors for quite some time, helping out a ton with formatting and content changes. Please give a warm welcome to:

@gnigam :tada:
@jollydolphin :tada:

:waving_hand: Wrapping up

Thank you all for your time! Keep studying hard :flexed_biceps:

Take care everyone :heart:

The AnKing Step Deck Maintainers :white_heart:

If you have the time, please feel free to review us on AnkiWeb! โ†’ https://ankiweb.net/shared/info/1322529746 :heart_hands:

:link: Useful Links

Want to make a suggestion? Follow the guidelines โ†’ :books: AnKing Step Deck Submission Guidelines

Want to become an AnkiHub Ambassador? Apply here: AnkiHub Ambassador Application Form

Check out the AnKing Step Deck update log here โ†’
Get support from our team here โ†’ https://community.ankihub.net or email us at support@ankihub.net

FAQs โ†’ :question: FAQs - AnkiHub Community 20

For Anki / AnkiHub tutorials โ†’ https://community.ankihub.net/c/docs/tutorials/42

Follow us on Instagram โ†’ The AnKing (@ankingmed) โ€ข Instagram photos and videos

Want to volunteer to tag/add images for Sketchy/Pixorize/Boards & Beyond Step 2 or volunteer to make illustrations for the AnKing deck? Send an email to โ†’ anking.ahmedd@gmail.com


The hits keep on cominโ€™. Huzzah, and congrats Mr. Ahmed!!

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You guys rock :star_struck::partying_face::partying_face:

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how do I download it?

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You just need to sync with your Anki and these changes will download (note: some illustrations are yet to be suggested, they will be suggested soon and youโ€™ll be able to see them)

Thanks for the shoutout! Appreciate everything you guys do for the community, letโ€™s keep it up :smiling_face_with_sunglasses:

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