Special Edition: AnKing Step Deck Update #12
Date: November 15th - December 20th
Hi everyone!
I hope youโre all doing well!
As we wrap up the year, we want to highlight the huge achievements that weโve achieved together as a community!
Note: this update will be longer than usual but we really wanted to congratulate everyone whoโs made the deck 1000x better!
Lifetime Deck Statistics
Since the deck went live on AnkiHub:
474,670 total updates and 94,500 subscribers!!
- 118,971 other (formatting, images, other small changes)
- 114,700 updated tags
- 99,340 updated content
- 20,798 spelling/grammar
- 6,230 new content
- 1,263 content error
- 539 new cards
- 202 deleted notes
- plus many other miscellaneous changes!
Community Shoutouts
๐ซถ๐ผ Highest total accepted suggestions since deck creation
- @camicardona (20,287)
- @camicardona has substantially improved the deck with the PANCE tagging, allowing more users to enjoy the great benefits the deck has to offer!
- @victoriamarino (8,676)
- @victoriamarino has dedicated a substantial amount of time and effort to improving and updating the Sketchy images to the deck. Many of the new Sketchy images for Step 2 you are currently enjoying are because of her efforts!
- @a11exa (4,711)
- @a11exa has been hard at work this year improving the tags for Boards & Beyond Step 2. Many untagged sections have now been fully tagged because of her dedication!
- @epcase (4,300)
- @epcase has been grinding adding new Sketchy images and fixing up formatting for the Sketchy field. Huge thanks to his consistent and wonderful efforts
๐ซถ๐ผ Honorable Mentions
- Huge thank you to the entire Bootcamp team with a total of 57,300 suggestions accepted! (
@bootcamp_eborne, @bootcamp_athomas, @bootcamp_jvanvleet, @bootcamp_kshivok, @bootcamp_rmikaelyan, @bootcamp_morganmoore, @bootcamp_jmonzy, @bootcamp_sorlov, @bootcamp_jspiegel)
- Thanks to the team at Pixorize (@pixorize) for updating 4,500 cards with their new cardiology section images!
- Huge thanks to the AMBOSS team (@ambosslovesanki) with 19,000 suggestions for adding their new question IDs to the deck!
- Thanks to the OnlineMedEd team for helping us update their tags to match their new website mapping!
- Thank you to the Physeo team for letting us use their amazing textbook images to help you understand the toughest of concepts
๐ซถ๐ผ Most upvoted suggestion since deck creation
The most upvoted suggestion by a community member was made by @fatpancake on 31/7/2022 with a whopping 17 likes!! (simple yet necessaryโ)
Note: time shown on the image is incorrect due to a visual bug
๐ซถ๐ผ Most upvoted users since deck creation
These users demonstrated great attention to detail and made suggestions that the majority agreed with. Big thanks to:
๐ซถ๐ผ Maintainer Shoutouts
The maintainer team has grown significantly over the past few years. From just a few maintainers at the start of AnkiHub to over 35+! From medical students at the M1 level to resident physicians about to complete their training.
Each maintainer goes through an extensive onboarding and training process once they have been hand-selected and invited. Maintainers that are selected have shown a substantial attention to detail, are committed, dedicated, and amazing team players.
Even though they are all super busy, all maintainers work super hard to screen through suggestions and improve the deck daily.
Almost all maintainers started off as community members who dedicated their time to improving the deck bit by bit, whether it be by illustrations, formatting changes, or fixing small errors in the deck.
We want to extend a heartfelt thank you to our amazing maintainer team. Their dedication, along with the support of our community, is what makes the AnKing step deck the best medical school Anki deck in the world!
Abdulla Jastaniah, Ahmed Khudair, Alex Caskey, Andrew Davis, Andrew Mathias, Andy Revell, Bilal Koussayer, Caleb Mahlen, Cameron Evans, Cooper Larson, Dakota Morgan, Dario Sadegh, Eli Tanenbaum, Ethan Damron, Helen Nguyen, Ian Sellars, Jacob Herstein, Jacob King, Joe Simmons, Joshua Morin-Baxter, Justin Williams, Marina Levochkina, Mike Bosh, Mitchel Nelson, Mohannad Khaled, Mujeeb Mohammed, Musa Malik, Nicholas Flint, Reece Moore, Ryan Dib Nehme, Sameem Arif, Shmuel Sashitzky, Stan Gruzdev, Taylor Dugan, Tahseen Alkaelani, Thomas Holmes, Timothy Dillinger, Victor Sabalski
With that being said, we want to highlight some contributions by maintainers below!
๐ซถ๐ผ Highest number of accepted suggestions since deck creation by a maintainer
- @dollajas (37,449)
- @ahmed7 (22,317)
- @anking.jacob (18,821)
- @musamalik (11,470)
- @beejumm (10,161)
๐ซถ๐ผ Most upvoted maintainer suggestion since deck creation
The most upvoted suggestion by a maintainer was made by @tahseen on 30/7/2022 with a massive 19 likes!!
Note: time shown on the image is incorrect due to a visual bug
๐ซถ๐ผ Most upvoted maintainers since deck creation
- @ahmed7 (1,299 likes)
- @Eli.Tanenbaum (789 likes)
- @mohannadkh10 (603 likes)
- @shmuelsash (391 likes)
- @herstein.jacob (385 likes)
๐ซถ๐ผ A message from the maintainers
We want to thank you all once again for the overwhelming support youโve given us over the year. We read every comment and appreciate all the kind words, we also do our best to take all your feedback and implement it so we can not only improve ourselves as maintainers, but also improve the deck for everyone now and for years to come.
Every upvote, suggestion, or comment helps elevate the deck to become a gold standard resource for generations of learners to come. No matter how small you think your suggestion is, together, it adds up to make a huge impact.
To all those who have done well on any exam using the AnKing step deck, we hope the improvements weโve made (and will continue to make) helped you score higher or made you a bit more confident. To those who are going to sit any exams soon, we hope the monthly updates add to your learning as much as it adds to ours. Good luck to everyone!
Hereโs to a wonderful 2025 together!
The AnKing Step Deck Maintainers
Back to our regularly scheduled programming
This Monthโs Deck Statistics
62,518 note updates! 
3,537 new subscribers! 
Deck Updates
Question Banks
โ NBME: New tags added for various Step 2 NBME forms (thanks to @cardamomo)
โ UWorld: New tags added for various Step 1 and Step 2 QIDs (thanks to @mohannadkh10)
Sketchy & Pixorize
โ Sketchy: High quality replacements for 500+ images added! (thanks to @musamalik)
โ SketchyPeds: 100s of new images, hyperlinks, and tags added for various pediatrics videos (thanks to @victoriamarino)
โ SketchySurgery: New tags + images + hyperlinks for โlessons from the ORโ video series! (thanks to @victoriamarino)
- All current SketchyPeds videos have had their tags updated to match the new mapping on the Sketchy website!
โ SketchyNeurology: Tags + hyperlinks + images for brand new neurology videos added! (thanks to @victoriamarino)
Video Resources
โ Bootcamp: 100+ tags and hyperlinks added to various cards (thanks to the official Bootcamp team!
โ Boards & Beyond Step 2: 100+ tags added to various Step 2 videos (thanks to @a11exa)
โ Boards & Beyond Step 1 & 2: 1000s of new tags added and updated to match website formatting and video content. Tags that were not relevant to videos were removed. Further improvements to the tagging will follow in the coming weeks!
โ PANCE: Tons of new tags being added regularly! (thanks to @camicardona)
โ AnkiHub Premium: Try out the brand new AnkiHub AI chatbot + smart search features included in the premium plan: Sign In
โ First Aid: 1000s of new tags added + updated formatting to match the First Aid 2024 textbook
Project Progress
Illustration Projects
Tons of illustrations, diagrams, and annotated images have been added! Thanks to @ahmedafifi, @beejumm, @ianthebfg, @mohannadkh10, @zarathustra, @niki1102, and @ahmed7!
If you want to volunteer and make great illustrations, diagrams, or annotated images for the Step deck (like the ones you see below), send an email to anking.ahmedd@gmail.com
Note: This monthโs community shout-outs will be skipped for the sake of brevity.
Wrapping up
Thank you all for your time! Keep studying hard but make sure to rest up during the holidays
Take care everyone
The AnKing Step Deck Maintainers
If you have the time, please feel free to review us on AnkiWeb! โ https://ankiweb.net/shared/info/1322529746
Useful Links
Want to make a suggestion? Follow the guidelines โ AnKing Step Deck Submission Guidelines
Check out the update log โ ๐ AnKing Step Deck Update Log
Get support from our team here โ https://community.ankihub.net or email us at support@ankihub.net
FAQs โ FAQs - AnkiHub Community 20
For Anki / AnkiHub tutorials โ ๐ฅ Tutorials - AnkiHub Community
Check out the AnKing Step Deck wiki โ [Wiki] AnKing Overhaul for Step 1 & 2 by AnKingMed
Follow us on Instagram โ The AnKing (@ankingmed) โข Instagram photos and videos
Want to volunteer to tag/add images for Sketchy/Pixorize/Boards & Beyond Step 2 or volunteer to make illustrations for the AnKing deck? Send an email to โ anking.ahmedd@gmail.com