AnKing v12 Updates Log 
March 2025 Updates
β SketchyIM: New tags and images added for retired videos (thanks to @victoriamarino)
β Illustrations: Tons of new diagrams added! (thanks to @beejumm)
β NBME: New tags added for NBME Form 10 (thanks to @docox123)
β PANCE: 500+ new tags added! (thanks to @camicardona)
β UWorld Step 3: New tags added for UWorld Step 3 questions! (thanks to @beejumm)
β Formatting: Tons of minor formatting updates to cards (removal of β β - thanks to @DillingerMed)
February 2025 Updates 
β SketchyPeds : 100s of new images, hyperlinks, and tags added for pediatric videos (neonatal conjunctivitis DDx, congenital TORCH infections, etc.) (thanks to @victoriamarino!)
β SketchyOBGYN : Tons of new images, hyperlinks, and tags added for videos (thanks to @victoriamarino!)
- Screenshots that had black borders around them are in the process of being replaced
β Sketchy: Missing tags added for Step 1 Sketches (thanks to @amahant)
β Bootcamp: 100s of tags and hyperlinks added to various cards (thanks to the official Bootcamp team!
β AMBOSS: Question ID tags not relevant to questions have been removed from various cards (thanks to @DillingerMed)
β Illustrations: Tons of new diagrams and illustrations added! (thanks to @beejumm and @AhmedAfifi)
β PANCE: 1000+ new tags added! (thanks to @camicardona)
β Tag Clean up: The $AnKingAdds and $AnKingUpdates tags have been removed to clean up the tag hierarchy as they are not necessary or needed anymore with AnkiHub syncing
β High Yield Project: Work on the project has resumed! We aim to have it completed within a few months or less (thanks to @mohannadkh10, @thomas.holmes, @Ahmed7)
**β AnkiHub Image Ready Tags: 10,000+ tags removed that are no longer necessary. These were used as part of the image replacement project 2 years ago.
January 2025 Updates 
β SketchyIM : New tags + hyperlinks + images added for various videos (thanks to @victoriamarino)
β Bootcamp: 100s of new tags and hyperlinks added to various cards (thanks to the official Bootcamp team!
β SketchyPeds: 50+ new images, hyperlinks, and tags added for Spine disorder pediatric video (thanks to @victoriamarino)
β SketchyOBGYN: Tons of new tags and images added for various OBGYN videos (thanks to @victoriamarino)
β SketchyBiochem: New tags + images + hyperlinks for videos (thanks to @joshuamb)
β Illustrations: New tags added for subjects for better organization, find them under β!AK_UpdateTags::AnKing_Image::!Subjectsβ
β Boards & Beyond: We will be rolling out fixes early next week (Monday/Tuesday) to dramatically reduce card counts and remove any βOnly_step_2β tags from Step 1 cards
- The update has been released. We have reduced card counts for BNB drastically and no Step 1 cards have βOnly_step_2β tags anymore.
β Step 2 NBME: New tags added for NBME form 9 (thanks to @cardamomo)
December 2024 Updates 
β Sketchy: High quality replacements for 100s of images added! (thanks to @musamalik)
β Bootcamp: 100+ tags and hyperlinks added to various cards (thanks to the official Bootcamp team!
β SketchyPeds: 100s of new images, hyperlinks, and tags added for various pediatrics videos (thanks to @victoriamarino)
β SketchySurgery: New tags + images + hyperlinks for βlessons from the ORβ video series! (thanks to @victoriamarino)
β First Aid: 1000s of new tags added + updated formatting to match the First Aid 2024 textbook
β Boards & Beyond Step 1 & 2: 1000s of new tags added and updated to match website formatting and video content. Tags that were not relevant to videos were removed. Further improvements to the tagging will follow in the coming weeks!
β SketchyIM: New tags + hyperlinks + images added for various videos (thanks to @victoriamarino)
- All SketchyIM tags have now been reformatted to match the Sketchy website mapping!
β SketchyOBGYN: Tons of new tags and images added for various OBGYN videos (thanks to @victoriamarino)
β Illustrations: 30+ new illustrations have been added (thanks to @beejumm, @NIKI1102, @AhmedAfifi, @zarathustra)
November 2024 Updates
β Sketchy: High quality replacements for 100s of images added! (thanks to @musamalik)
β Boards & Beyond Step 2: 100+ new tags added for BNB Step 2 videos (thanks to @a11exa)
β Bootcamp: 1000+ tags and hyperlinks added to various cards (thanks to the official Bootcamp team!
β SketchySurgery: New tags + images + hyperlinks for videos (thanks to @victoriamarino)
β SketchyPath: New tags and images to videos that were missing (thanks to @joshuamb)
β SketchyBiochem: New images for porphyria video (thanks to @tophamd)
β SketchyFM: Brand new tags, hyperlinks, and images added for Family Medicine videos! (thanks to @victoriamarino)
β PANCE: Tons of new tags being added regularly! (thanks to @camicardona)
β SketchyNeurology: Tags + hyperlinks + images for brand new neurology videos added! (thanks to @victoriamarino)
β AnkiHub Premium: Try out the brand new AnkiHub AI chatbot + smart search features included in the premium plan: Sign In
β SketchyPeds: 100s of new images, hyperlinks, and tags added for various pediatrics videos (thanks to @victoriamarino and @ahmed7)
- All current SketchyPeds videos have had their tags updated to match the new mapping on the Sketchy website!
October 2024 Updates 
β Bootcamp: 500+ tags and hyperlinks added to various cards (thanks to the official Bootcamp team!
β PANCE: Tons of new tags being added regularly! (thanks to @camicardona)
β Sketchy: High quality replacements for 100s of images added! (thanks to @musamalik)
- Various tags added for cards (thanks to @joshuamb)
β SketchyBiochem: New images added for various videos! (@joshuamb)
β SketchyIM: New tags + hyperlinks + images added for various videos (thanks to @victoriamarino and @GroupG_Strep93 )
**β SketchyPsych: New tags added for new lessons (thanks to @ahmed7)
β SketchySurgery: New tags + images + hyperlinks for videos (thanks to @victoriamarino)
β Formatting: Almost all instances of e.g. changed to e.g., to reflect proper grammar and formatting (thanks to @zarathustra)
September 2024 Updates
β Bootcamp: 100+ tags and hyperlinks added to various cards (thanks to the official Bootcamp team!
β SketchySurgery: New tags + hyperlinks + images added for various videos! (thanks to @victoriamarino and @ahmed7)
β Boards & Beyond Step 2: 100+ new tags added for BNB Step 2 videos (thanks to @a11exa)
β SketchyBiochem: New images added for biochem videos! (thanks to @epcase)
β PANCE: Tons of new tags being added regularly! (thanks to @camicardona)
β Sketchy: High quality replacements for 100s of images added! (thanks to @musamalik)
β Pixorize: New tags + images + hyperlinks added! (thanks to the official Pixorize team!)
β SketchyIM: New tags + hyperlinks + images added for new redesigned SketchyIM Rheumatology section videos (thanks to @ahmed7)
β SketchyPharm: New images added to thyroid drugs video (thanks to @joshuamb)
β SketchyEpidemiology: New images added! (thanks to @beejumm)
β SketchyBiostats: New images added! (thanks to @beejumm)
UWorld COMLEX Level 2: Virtually all UWorld COMLEX Level 2 tags have now been added!
August 2024 Updates
β Bootcamp: 500+ tags and hyperlinks added to various cards (thanks to the official Bootcamp team!
β SketchyBiochem: New tags + hyperlinks + images added for various videos! (thanks to @epcase)
β PANCE: Tons of new tags being added regularly! (thanks to @camicardona)
β SketchySurgery: New tags + hyperlinks + images added for various videos! (thanks to @victoriamarino)
β Sketchy: High quality replacements for 100s of images added! (thanks to @musamalik)
β SketchyOBGYN: New images, tags, and hyperlinks added (thanks to @beejumm)
β NBME: New tags added for NBME Form 11! (thanks to @skstroh)
β BNB Step 1 & Step 2: New tags added for various videos (thanks to @whitetwinsaber and @a11exa)
- 1000+ new tags added for BNB Step 2 videos (thanks to @a11exa)
β SketchyPath: Updated images and tags for various videos (thanks to @joshuamb)
β SketchyIM:100+ new tags + hyperlinks + images added for various videos! (thanks to @victoriamarino)
July 2024 Updates
β Sketchy: New explanation added for SketchyMicro C. diff video! (thanks to @dmlee007)
- β SketchyIM: New tags + hyperlinks + images added for various videos! (thanks to @victoriamarino)
- β SketchySurgery: New tags + hyperlinks + images added for various videos! (thanks to @victoriamarino and @Ahmed7)
- High quality replacements for 100s of images added! (thanks to @musamalik)
- New tags and images added for various videos (thanks to @epcase)
β Bootcamp: Tags and hyperlinks added to various cards (thanks to the official Bootcamp team!
β First Aid Step 2: New tags added for First Aid Step 2 (thanks to @Mitch24)!
β UWorld Step 3 Huge update to UWorld step 3 tagging, almost 90% has now been tagged! (huge thanks to @dollajas)
β OME 500+ new Step 2 tags added (thanks to @stanG)
β COMBANK: 100+ COMBANK level 2 tags added (thanks to @sandhua3)!
β COMLEX Level 2: New tags added for UWorld COMLEX Level 2 (thanks to @sandhua3)
β SketchyBiochem: New images added for biochem videos! (thanks to @joshuamb)
β AMBOSS: 15,000+ brand new AMBOSS Step 1 and Step 2 Question IDβs added to the deck! (thanks to the official AMBOSS team!)
β First Aid 2024 Tags: 100s of updated tags added for First Aid 2024 sections (thanks to @mohannadkh10)
β NBME New tags added for NBME Form 14 sections! (thanks to @sandhua3)
β PANCE: Tons of new tags being added regularly! (thanks to @camicardona)
June 2024 Updates
β NBME: New Pediatrics CMS form 5, 6, and 7 tags added! (thanks to @beejumm)
- Pediatric CMS form 8 tagged! (thanks to @taylordugan)
- Step 2 NBME Form 10 tagged! (thanks to @taylordugan)
β SketchyIM: New images + tags + hyperlinks added for heme/onc videos! (thanks to @rpmoore)
- New images + tags + hyperlinks added for hepatology videos (thanks to @victoriamarino)
New images + tags + hyperlinks added for infectious disease videos! (@ahmed7) - High quality replacements for images added! (thanks to @musamalik)
β SketchyPsych: New images + hyperlinks added! (thanks to @God_Have_MRSA)
β COMBANK: 500+ COMBANK level 2 tags added (thanks to @sandhua3)!
β BNB Step 2: Tons of new tags added (thanks to @a11exa and @Heminhimdad)
β Illustrations: Tons of new illustrations, flow charts, diagrams, and overlays added (thanks to @beejumm, @ahmedafifi, @ianthebfg, and @Ahmed7)!
β Pixorize: New tags + images + hyperlinks! (thanks to @wzblacktone)
β PANCE: Tons of new tags being added regularly! (thanks to @camicardona)
β Mnemonics: 7 new mnemonic cards added! (thanks to @ahmed7)
May 2024 Updates
β BNB Step 1: New tags added to videos! (thanks to
β SketchyIM: 400+ images + hyperlinks + tags added for tons of new videos (thanks to @GroupG_Strep93)
- New images + tags + hyperlinks added for gout & pseudogout video! (thanks to @victoriamarino)
- New images + tags + hyperlinks added for new ophthalmology videos! (thanks to @victoriamarino)
- New images + tags + hyperlinks added for hepatology videos! (thanks to @victoriamarino)
- SketchyIM nephrology has been completed fully with tags, hyperlinks, and images! (thanks to @samar and @ahmed7)
- New images + tags + hyperlinks added for hematology and infectious disease sections (thanks to @rpmoore and @Ahmed7)
β SketchyPhysiology: Tons of new images + tags + hyperlinks added for various videos (thanks to @epcase)
β SketchyPeds: New images + hyperlinks added (thanks to @samar)
β SketchyOBGYN: New images + tags + hyperlinks added! (thanks to @GroupG_Strep93)
β UWorld Self Assessment: Step 1 UWSA #3 has been tagged! (thanks to @herstein.jacob)
β Algorithm Cards: Algorithm cards have been overhauled and a new one has been pushed! (thanks to @Sameem)
β New Addon: A brand new AnKing table addon for formatting is out! Use this addon to format existing AnKing tables (thanks to @shmuelsash for creating the addon!)
- Check it out here:
β Sketchy: 100s of pre-existing screenshots updated with higher quality screenshots (thanks to @musamalik)
β Bootcamp: 100+ tags and hyperlinks added to various cards (thanks to the official Bootcamp team!
β Clinical Sign Hyperlinks: Tons of brand new links showing clinical signs have been added to various cards! (thanks to @Eli.Tanenbaum)
β GIFs: GIFs displaying clinical signs have also been added (Relative afferent pupillary defect, CN VI palsy, etc.)
β Boards & Beyond Step 2: New tags added for gastroenterology videos (thanks to @a11exa)
β PANCE: Tons of new tags being added regularly! (thanks to @camicardona)
β Pixorize: 100+ images and hyperlinks added, thanks to the official Pixorize team!
β NBME: New Family Medicine CMS form 5 tags added! (thanks to @vineet)
April 2024 Updates
β Duplicates : All duplicates that have been previously tagged with the duplicate tag have been removed off of AnkiHub (thanks to @herstein.jacob!)
β SketchyIM: New images added (thanks to @GroupG_Strep93)
β Bootcamp: 350+ tags and hyperlinks added to various cards (thanks to the official Bootcamp team!
β SketchyPhysiology: Tons of new images + tags + hyperlinks (100+) added for various videos (thanks to @epcase)
β SketchyAnatomy: New images added! (thanks to @rahimburdette)
β Pixorize: 2000+ images and hyperlinks added, thanks to the official Pixorize team!
- Tons of new images and tags added! (Thanks to @cmahlen)
β New Mnemonic Cards: Cards testing popular mnemonics are continuously being pushed! (thanks to @Ahmed7 )
β Sketchy: 100s of pre-existing screenshots updated with higher quality screenshots (thanks to @musamalik)
β OnlineMedEd: New tags added for OME Step 2 content! (thanks to @stanG)
- 21,000 tags have been added and updated!
Formatting: 500+ unnecessary <br>
removed! (thanks to @zarathustra)
β Step 3 UWorld Tags: New Step 3 UWorld tags added for various QIDs (thanks to @dollajas)!
β COMLEX UWorld QID Tags: All COMLEX UWorld QID tags have been added to the deck!
β Physician Assistant National Certifying Examination (PANCE): A brand new tag is being started for all PA students! Special thanks to @camicardona for spearheading this project!
β BNB Step 2: Brand new tags added for Step 2 videos! (thanks to @Mazen_Alhaj_Ahmad)
- New tags added (thanks to @jstauber)
β NBME: New tags added for OBGYN CMS form 5 (thanks to @taylordugan). Find it under this tag: #AK_Step2_v12::#Resources_by_rotation::ObGyn::nbme::form_5
β BNB Step 1: New tags added for missing cards in antihypertensive video (thanks to @lawsonspence)
β SketchyPathology: New tags added for missing cards (thanks to @joshuamb)
β AMBOSS: New step 2 self-assessment tag added! (thanks to @taylordugan)
β OME: 21,000 hyperlinks updated!
β UWorld Self Assessment: Step 1 UWSA #3 is almost completely tagged! (thanks to @herstein.jacob)
β Formatting: Tons of unnecessary line breaks removed from various cards (thanks to @dollajas)
β Illustrations: Brand new high-quality illustrations added to various cards! (thanks to @beejumm and @IantheBFG)
March 2024 Updates
β SketchyIM: Tons of new images and hyperlinks for cardiology + other videos! (thanks to @epcase, @beejumm, @GroupG_Strep93, @samar )
β SketchyAnatomy: New images, tags, and hyperlinks added (thanks to @epcase!)
β SketchyPharm: New tags + images + hyperlinks added for thiazide and loop diuretics videos (thanks to @epcase)
- New antipsychotic video added (thanks to @musamalik)
β SketchyPhysiology: New tags + images + hyperlinks added for videos(thanks to @joshuamb)
β Sketchy: 350+ pre-existing screenshots updated with higher quality screenshots (thanks to @musamalik)
- Sketchy images + hyperlinks + tags being added to various cards to fill in gaps! (thanks to @jwill and @morgankota13 )
β Duplicates: Many duplicate cards are being consolidated to reduce unnecessary card counts! (thanks to @herstein.jacob)
β Illustrations: Brand new illustrations added to cards (thanks to @beejumm and @ms1100)
β Bootcamp: New tags and hyperlinks (1000+) added to various cards!
β Boards & Beyond Step 2: New tags added for behavioral science videos (thanks to @a11exa)
β New Tag: A new tag for rapid diagnosis cards has been added, find it here: #AK_Other::Card_Features::Rapid_Diagnosis. (Thanks to @God_Have_MRSA)
β SketchyPath: New images + tag for hepatobiliary video! (thanks to @rahimburdette)
β NBME: New tags for NBME IM Form 8 added! (Thanks to @skstroh)
- Brand new NBME 31 tags added (thanks to @ms1100)
β SketchyPeds: New tags + images added for microdeletion syndromes (thanks to @umopaplsdn)
β New Mnemonic Cards: Cards testing popular mnemonics are continuously being pushed out per community request! (thanks to @Ahmed7 )
β One by One Tags: All one by one tags have now been moved to #AK_Other::Card_Features::^One_By_One to make it easier to find and organize! (Thanks to @jwill)
β SketchySurgery: New tags + videos + hyperlinks added (thanks to @samar !)
β Pixorize: The official Pixorize team have started adding brand new images + descriptions for each of their images! (thanks to @pixorize)
New tags added for TCA cycle video (thanks to @Antwniades)
Tons of new images, tags, and hyperlinks added for various Pixorize videos (thanks to @cmahlen)
β UWorld Self Assessment: New tags added for Step 1 UWSA 2 (thanks to @DillingerMed)
- New tags added for UWSA 3 (thanks to @cmahlen)
β GIFs: Brand new GIFs added for neurological signs, huge thanks to Dr. Osama Amin for granting us permission!
β SketchyPhysiology: New images for respiratory physiology videos! (thanks to @epcase)
February 2024 Updates
β Bootcamp: 1000+ new tags and hyperlinks for various video topics!
- 100 new tags/hyperlinks for reproductive videos
β SketchyOBGYN: New images, tags, and hyperlinks added for videos! (thanks to @Jwill )
- Hyperlinks added to various cards (thanks to @beejumm)
β Boards & Beyond: New tags added for missing content in step 1 videos! (thanks to @kiler129 )
β Developmental Milestones: Table showcasing developmental milestones has been updated to the most up-to-date information (thanks to @herstein.jacob)
β Sketchy: 750+ of pre-existing screenshots updated with higher quality screenshots (thanks to @musamalik)
- Many new images added to various cards (thanks to @alexandarbezan)
β NBME: Tags added for Step 2 NBME form 26 (thanks to @dillingermed)
- New tags added for NBME CMS Neuro form 5, 6, 7, and 8(thanks to @taylordugan)
- These tags can be found under βtag:#AK_Step2_v12::#Resources_by_rotation::Neuro::nbmeβ
β SketchyPath: New images added for updated rheumatoid arthritis videos! (thanks to @epcase)
β SketchyPhysiology: New images added (thanks to @joshuamb)!
- New images and tags added for hemodynamics videos (thanks to @epcase)
- New images added (thanks to @tarkleson)
β SketchyIM: Tons of new images and hyperlinks for pulmonology and cardiology videos! (thanks to @beejumm and @Ahmed7)
β SketchyAnatomy: All of SketchyAnatomy is now hyperlinked!
β AMBOSS: AMBOSS has graciously allowed us to use 5 of their images! Spot them in your next Anki session
- β AMBOSS Self Assessment: New tags added for the recently released AMBOSS step 1 self assessment (thanks to @DillingerMed)
β Image Censoring: Images of minors are being censored to protect identity and maintain confidentiality
β Duplicates: Many duplicate cards being consolidated to reduce unnecessary card counts!
β Pixorize: New tags and images added for microbiology videos (thanks to @cmahlen)!
β AnkiHub Feature: The new note deletion feature has been released! Cards can now be permanently deleted off of AnkiHub. Cards that have been tagged as duplicate will be deleted over the coming weeks
β Language Changes: As of 22/02/2024, the word βdiabeticβ no longer appears in the deck with respect to patients and as outlined by American Diabetes Association. It only appears for complications related to diabetes such as diabetic retinopathy or diabetic ketoacidosis. (thanks to @Eli.Tanenbaum and @cheekjuggler69)
- Furthermore, all mention of βalcoholicβ and βalcoholicsβ has been changed to the grammatically correct equivalent, unless it is apart of a disease (alcoholic fatty liver disease). (thanks to @Eli.Tanenbaum)!
β Illustrations: Brand new illustrations added to cards (thanks to @beejumm)
β GIFs: Brand new GIFs demonstrating clinical signs added (special thank you to Paul Marquis from Ortho Eval Pal for granting permission to use his content!)
β New Mnemonic Cards: Cards testing popular mnemonics are continuously being pushed out per community request! (thanks to @Ahmed7 )
January 2024 Updates
β Bootcamp: Tons of new tags and hyperlinks for genetics videos!
- New tags and hyperlinks for MSK videos
β SketchyMicro: New images and hyperlink for Flaviviridae overview video!
- New images and hyperlinks for Epstein-Barr Virus video! (thanks to @musamalik)!
β Boards & Beyond Step 2: New tags added for pediatrics section (thanks to @zarathustra!)
β Pixorize: New tags and images added for biochemistry tags (thanks to @wzblacktone and @cmahlen)!
- New tags and images added for leukemia videos! (thanks to @wzblacktone)!
β SketchyAnatomy: Tons of new ****images and hyperlinks! (thanks to @joshuamb)
β UWorld COMLEX: New tags added for various QIDs! (thanks to
β Sketchy: 1200+ pre-existing screenshots updated with higher quality screenshots (thanks to @funsizedbigboy and @musamalik)
- ****Sketchy images + hyperlinks + tags being added to various cards to fill in gaps! (thanks to @jwill and @epcase)
β SketchyIM: New images and tags for infectious disease videos! (thanks to u/beejumm and @jwill!)
- New Endocrinology images and tags added! (thanks to @beejumm)
- New OB/GYN images and tags added! (thanks to @beejumm)
- New Cardiology images and tags added! (thanks to @GroupG_Strep93)!
β NBME Shelf tags: Tons of new tags added for the NBME CMS Psychiatry form 5 (thanks to @taylordugan)!
- NBME CMS Psychiatry form 6 added!
- NBME CMS Psychiatry form 7 added!
β New Mnemonic Cards: Cards testing popular mnemonics are continuously being pushed out per community request! (thanks to @ahmed7 and @thomas.holmes!)
β SketchyNeurology: New images being added! (thanks to @ahmed7)
β SketchyAnatomy: 100s ****of hyperlinks added to cards!
β SketchyBiochem: New images added! (thanks to @joshuamb)
β New Card Project: New cards for previously uncovered Step 1/2 content are starting to roll out based on new UWorld questions! (thanks to @herstein.jacob)
β Illustrations: Tons of custom illustrations added this month! (thanks to @ahmedafifi, @beejumm, @ms1100!)
β SketchyPath: New gout & pseudogout videos updated with images and hyperlinks!
December 2023 Updates
β UWorld COMLEX Step 1: Tags regularly being added for COMLEX UWorld Step 1 Qbank (thanks to u/karimycheese)
β AnKing Step Deck Exclusive Illustrations: Tons of cards updated with exclusive high-quality illustrations made by our in-house illustrators (thanks to u/ahmedafifi)
β UWorld Step 3: New tags added! (thanks to u/macjolly93)
β Bootcamp: Tons of Cardiology tags and hyperlinks added/updated!
- MSK tags and hyperlinks added!
- Pathology tags and hyperlinks added!
β Sketchy: Sketchy images + hyperlinks + tags being added to various cards to fill in gaps! (thanks to u/jwill and u/epcase)
β Boards & Beyond: New tags added for various Step 1 BNB videos (hematology, immunology, etc.) (thanks to u/kiler129)
β NBME Shelf Tags: Tons of new tags added for the NBME Surgery shelf exam form 6 (thanks to u/taylordugan)
- Tags added for NBME CMS surgery exam #7 (thanks to u/taylordugan)
- Tags added for NBME CMS surgery exam #8 (thanks to u/taylordugan)
- Tags added for NBME CMS surgery exam #5 (thanks to u/taylordugan)
β Formatting: Almost all > converted to the proper symbol β₯ (thanks to u/zarathustra)
- All β2/2β have been changed to βsecondary toβ for clarification (thanks to u/tmchan)
β Pixorize: 500+ new tags and images added for microbiology videos! (thanks to u/cmahlen)
β UWorld Step 3: Just under 70% of Step 3 has been tagged! (thanks to u/anking.jacob and u/macjolly93)
β SketchyMicro: New Images + hyperlinks added for Burkholderia, Anaplasma, & Ehrlichia videos
β SketchyAnatomy: New images + hyperlinks added for various videos
β SketchyToxicology: All Toxicology videos have been updated with images and hyperlinks! (thanks to u/ahmed7)
β New Mnemonic Cards: Cards testing popular mnemonics are continuously being pushed out per community request!
β SketchyImmunology: All of the immunology tags/images/hyperlinks have now been added (thanks to u/minhas_rj)
β SketchyNeurology: New stroke localizations tags, images, and hyperlinks added!
- All of SketchyNeurology videos now have images and hyperlinks!
- New tags added for Vertigo (central vs peripheral) video
β Image Censoring: Images of minors are being censored to protect identity and maintain confidentiality
November 2023 Updates
β UWorld Step 3: New tags added! (thanks to u/macjolly93)
β Hyperlink Removal/Offline Images: Many cards with previous hyperlinks on images and images that needed an internet connection to load have been fixed! (thanks to u/joe and u/shmuelsash)
β USMLERx: New USMLE Rx tags for QIDs being added! (thanks to u/ahmed7)
β New Card Project: New cards for previously uncovered Step 1 content are starting to roll out based on new UWorld questions! (thanks to u/herstein.jacob)
β UWorld Step 1 COMLEX: COMLEX QIDβs for Step 1 being added (thanks to u/karimycheese)
β Radiology Images: 100+ high-quality radiology images and illustrations added to various cards (thanks to!)
β Bootcamp: 100s of vasculitis tags and hyperlinks added!
- Tons of microbiology tags and hyperlinks added!
- 100s of tags and hyperlinks being added for biochemistry sections!
β Sketchy: Tons of cards without Sketchy images or hyperlinks previously being updated with pre-existing Sketchy images and hyperlinks to fill in gaps in cards! (thanks to u/jwill and u/epcase)
β SketchyOBGYN: Tons of new images for various cards added! (thanks to u/groupg_strep93)
β AnkiHub Addon: AnkiHub now supports the newest version of Anki, 23.10!
β Physeo: Tons of tag numberings missing from Heme/Onc Pharm section have been added (thanks to u/ken)
β New Algorithm Cards: New cards based on various algorithms are being created, discussed, and will be rolled out soon! (thanks to u/stillmatic!)
β UWorld Step 2: Brand new Step 2 QIDs tagged to relevant cards (thanks to u/herstein.jacob)
October 2023 Updates
β New Images: 200+ new high-quality OpenStax images added to various MSK, microbiology, cardiac cards to enhance conceptual learning!
β NBME Form Tags: NBME tags for form 7 internal medicine have been added (thanks to u/taylordugan)
- NBME tags for form 8 have been added!
β Bootcamp: Tons of new tags and hyperlinks for cystic fibrosis, sickle cell anemia, and pregnancy videos
β New Card Project: Huge progress continues to be made in regards to covering new Step 2 content! Tons of new cards being pushed and discussed daily with the maintainer team, led by the amazing u/herstein.jacob!
β UWorld Step 2: Tons of tags being added to fill in prior missing gaps! (thanks to u/herstein.jacob!)
β UWorld Step 3: More tags being added regularly! On track to getting UWorld Step 3 completely tagged soon! (thanks to u/jacob.king and u/macjolly93)
β Sketchy: Tons of cards without Sketchy images previously being updated with pre-existing Sketchy images to fill in gaps in cards! (thanks to u/jwill)
β Boards & Beyond: Step 2 tags for renal tubular acidosis video added! (thanks to u/dhindman)
β USMLERx: Tons of new tags being added for USMLE Rx QIDs! (thanks to u/ahmed7)
β Pathoma: Many tags for Pathoma videos that had multiple sections have been updated to properly reflect their section names! (thanks to u/heptachlor)
β Illustrations: Tons of cards updated with hand-made high-quality illustrations (nephrotic syndromes, thyroid metabolism, thiazide diuretic MOA, thanks to u/ms1100!)
β SketchyMicro: New Ehrlichia and Anaplasma tags added! (thanks to u/rubyladd)
- New burkholderia tags added (thanks to u/rubyladd)
- New Borrelia recurrentis tags added (thanks to u/rubyladd)
September 2023 Updates
β SketchyImmunology: 100s of images and tags being added regularly (thanks to u/minhas.rajat and u/kartik.sharma!)
β New Card Project: Tons of high quality maintainer-reviewed and hand-selected new cards being pushed! (thanks to u/herstein.jacob and other maintainers!)
β UWorld Step 3: Tons more UWorld step 3 tags being pushed on the regular! (thanks to u/anking.jacob)
β Bootcamp: 1000+ hyperlinks updated on various cards!
β USMLERx: More USMLE Rx question ID tags being added! (thanks to u/cmahlen)
β HUGE UWorld Step 3 Milestone: 50% of UWorld step 3 has been tagged! (huge thanks to u/anking.jacob)
β Sketchy: Tons of cards without Sketchy images previously being updated with pre-existing Sketchy images! (e.g. heparin, NSAIDs(thanks to u/jwill)
β Image Blur Feature: A new blur feature has been introduced for images that might be inappropriate to view in public. Right click on the image and add the βblurβ effect to see it in action! (thanks to the AnKing developer team!)
β Image Size Reduction Project: All images for new users will have reduced file size with maximal preservation of quality. This will significantly increase initial deck download speeds for media sync! (thanks to the AnKing developer team!)
β Notification System Rollout: The new and long-awaited notification system has been rolled out in its first iteration. You can now @ other users, follow up on conversations with notifications via Discourse, and much more! More improvements are to follow! (thanks to the AnKing developer team!)
β New Mnemonic Cards: Cards testing popular mnemonics are continuously being pushed out per community request!
β UWorld Step 2: Tags being retrospectively added for cards regularly to ensure no gaps in tagging for UWorld Step 2 (thanks to u/herstein.jacob!)
β Bootcamp: Tons of new tags and hyperlinks added!
- 100s of pharmacodynamics hyperlinks and added!
August 2023 Updates
β SketchyPEDS: New images being added (thanks to u/samar!)
β SketchyIM: Tons of new images added for SketchyIM! (thanks to u/samar)
- 100s of brand new images added!
- Tons more images added to nephrology videos!
- Tons of images and tags added to gastroenterology videos!
β UWorld Step 3: Tons of tags being added regularly (thanks to u/macjolly93 and u/anking.jacob)
β Bootcamp: Tons of tags and hyperlinks being added for endocrinology sections!
- Tons of new MSK and microbiology tags and hyperlinks added!
β New Mnemonic Cards: The new mnemonic-specific cards are still being pushed out regularly! (thanks to u/ahmed_)
β HUGE UWorld Step 3 Milestone: 1/3 of UWorld Step 3 has been tagged! (big thanks to u/anking.jacob and u/macjolly93)
β NEW USMLERx QID Tags: For the first time, we are introducing 100s of brand new USMLE-Rx Step 1 tags to the AnKing Step Deck (thanks to u/cmahlen!)
β UWorld Step 2: New tags being added regularly by various users!
β New Card Project: The project is officially underway! (thanks to u/herstein.jacob for spearheading the project)
β NBME: Specific NBME forms have started getting tagged! (thanks to u/taylor.dugan)
β SketchyImmunology: BRAND NEW tags and images being added! (thanks to u/minhas.rajat and u/kartik.sharma!)
July 2023 Updates
β New Mnemonic Cards: Per community request, we are now adding cards that test the mnemonic rather than the disease. These can be suspended as per user preference. They will be rolled out during this month!
β First Aid Tags: A few First Aid tags being added (thanks to u/lumier314)
β UWorld Step 3: Tons ****of new Step 3 tags being added regularly! (thanks to u/anking.jacob and u/macjolly93)
β Audio Support: AnkiHub now supports audio syncing! (thanks to Jakub!)
β SketchyPEDS: More tags and brand new images being added (thanks to u/samar)
β Developmental Milestones: Table was made and incorporated all the developmental milestones a while back (thanks to u/tahseen)
β SketchyIM: Tons of new images + new tags being added to various cards (thanks to u/samar)
β Premium Radiology Image Access: We are glad to announce we now have access to all images on This a premium high-quality radiology image resource! Please see suggestion guidelines to see how you can submit these images to cards.
β Bootcamp: 100s of new microbiology tags and hyperlinks added!
- 100s of new Plasmodium, Leishmania, Naegleria tags and hyperlinks added!
- 100s of new endocrinology tags and hyperlinks added!
- 500+ pulmonology hyperlinks and tags updated and added!
β NEW Step 3 Cards: Cards related to step 3 content have now started to be added (many thanks to u/anking.jacob!)
β Pixorize: The Pixorize field is now being synced automatically on AnkiHub! Please unprotect your Pixorize field if you have it protected, then reset local changes to your deck in browse in the AnkiHub section to receive these changes.
- New images and tags being added this month!
β AnkiHub: As of July 13th 2023, we are at a staggering 19,600 subscribers and 150,000 note updates! (thatβs 430 updates per day since AnkiHub launched!) Thank you for all those making suggestions daily!
β BNB Step 2: Tags ****being added to the new pediatric as well as neck and spinal trauma sections! (thanks to u/jordan.phillips and u/dhindman!)
- A few new tags being added for the emergency medicine pelvic trauma section! (thanks to u/dhindman)
β Duplicates: Many duplicate cards being consolidated to reduce unnecessary card counts!
β UWorld Step 3 Major Milestone: 25% of UWorld Step 3 has been tagged! (Big thanks to u/anking.jacob for spearheading the project!)
June 2023 Updates
β SketchyOBGYN: Hundreds of new photos continually added (thanks to u/samar)
β Image Replacement Project: 87% done! 1 more section left which will take us to 93%. Illustrations and replacements will continue to be added for the rest in due time
- Almost done at 99%, all gross images in the deck have been replaced, with only a few urgent illustrations left. The deck is 99.9% copyright free! Many thanks to the 22 amazing volunteers who made this project come to life! Illustrations will be added regularly by our amazing in-house illustrators Ahmed Afifi and Andy Revell!
β Bootcamp: Tons of new tags and hyperlinks added to biochemistry-related topics! (Glycogen storage diseases etc.)
- 100s of microbiology tags and hyperlinks just added! (Coccidioidoides, Histoplasma, Blastomyces etc.)
- 200+ additional microbiology tags and hyperlinks added (Candida, Mucor, Rhizopus, Cryptococcus, Aspergillus)
- 80+ tags and hyperlinks added for MSK-related topics (Seronegative spondyloarthritis)
- 100+ tags and hyperlinks added for cardiology-related topics!
β COMBANK: Hundreds of tags added for TrueLearn COMBANK Assessment #2! (thanks to u/jpk429)
β Boards and Beyond: Some tags reordered according to the website (step 2)
β Grammar/Spelling/Syntax: More β β text removed from the entire deck due to popular demand. This issue was altering card structure and forcing wrapping on certain screen sizes
β SketchyPEDs: Tons of new tags and images starting to be added (thanks to u/samar!)
β UWorld Step 2 Tags: Tags consistently being added by various users!
β New Card Project: The new card suggestion queue is currently being looked at by various maintainers, rejecting any duplicates/unnecessary cards. The project will ramp up over the next several months as we begin creating algorithms, flow charts, and rejection/accepting criteria for all new card suggestions!
β UWorld Step 1 Tags: Tons of new tags being added (thanks to u/cpochat)
β BNB Step 2: Tons of new tags added for Emergency Medicine Trauma cards! (thanks to u/ankore)
β UWorld QID Addon: All Step 2 self-assessment QIDs will now work with the add-on (thanks to u/herstein.jacob)
May 2023 Updates
β Image Replacement Project: Approximately 30% of the way through, with over 3,000 cards updated with high-quality copyright-free alternatives! (All images have now been added back into additional resources as per community request)
- UPDATE #1: Officially 50% of the way through! Tons of new high-quality images added on a daily basis
- UPDATE #2: Officially just over 70% of the way there! Huge thanks to u/ahmedafifi and u/andyrevell for their amazing illustrations!
β Pixorize: Tons of new images and tags being added! (thanks to u/wildspin9 and u/anking.jacob)
β Boards and Beyond: Tags added to various Step 1 cards (thanks to u/a.aniekewe)
β Sketchy Micro: New tags, images, and hyperlinks added/corrected for the following bugs!! Images for redesigned videos added to the βSketchy Extraβ field to protect OG images for legacy users, tags rearranged per website, old videos still on website listed in retired sections as [old video] while [retired video] means it was removed from the website. Sketchy Micro is officially completely up to date!! New videos added include:
- Moraxella catarrhalis, Staph epidermidis, Enterococcus (removed bovis cards tagged here and added to respective video), Strep bovis/gallolyticus, C diff, Neisseria Overview/Meningitidis/Gonorrhea, Salmonella part 1&2, Vibrio spp, HIV pt 1&2, malaria pt 1&2, hep B pt 1&2, hep C, T. cruzi, T. brucei, Trichomonas, MAC, flavivirus overview, equine encephalitis, rabies, rubella, measles/mumps, RSV/human metapneumovirus, Scabies
β Sketchy Pharm: New tags, images, and hyperlinks added/corrected for the following drugs!! Images for redesigned videos added to the βSketchy Extraβ field to protect OG images for legacy users, tags rearranged per website, old videos still on website listed in retired sections as [old video] while [retired video] means it was removed from the website. Sketchy Pharm is officially completely up to date!! New videos added include:
- Buspirone, Sacubitril-Valsartan + Ivabradine, TNF inhibitors, PCSK9, immunosuppressants (cyclosporine, tacrolimus), Daptomycin, Macrolides, Hepatitis C (DAAs), Digoxin, Skeletal Muscle Relaxants, Alzheimerβs Disease Medications, Varenicline, SERMS & Aromatase Inhibitors, LHRH Agonists/GnRH Agonists, Non-Steroidal Antiandrogens (NSAAs), Laxatives, Antidiarrheal drugs, Antiemetics, Propylthiouracil Methimazole & Levothyroxine, Metformin + antidiabetic agents, IV anesthetics (propofol, etc), Narcolepsy drugs, Amphetamines, Gabapentin/Pregabalin, Carbamazepine etc, First-Generation Antipsychotics
β SketchyPeds: TONS of new SketchyPeds tags + images added into the deck thanks u/rianna & u/KF!
β SketchyOBGYN: New pictures are being added on a regular basis (thanks to u/samar)
β UWorld Step 1 Tags: Many Step 1 tags added/removed (thanks to u/KidCoLa, u/skstroh, and u/MightyBooman)
β UWorld Step 2 Tags: Many tags being added daily (thanks to u/herstein.jacob)
β Bootcamp: More tags being added on a regular basis and tons of hyperlinks have been fixed and updated; some include pharmacology and microbiology!
β Table Formatting: Updated styling for tables, making them much more functional on all devices (thanks to the amazing work from Connor Workman!)
β Grammar/Spelling/Syntax: Most β β text removed from the entire deck due to popular demand. This issue was altering card structure and forcing wrapping on certain screen sizes. Removed all βFirst Aid Pharmacologyβ text lines from the FA field.
β Duplicate cards: All duplicates currently tagged as !DELETE in the deck have been removed from AnkiHub and are now safe to delete from your Anki collection. They will not re-appear for users as they have in the past. We are working hard on integrating a functional delete option into AnkiHub in the future.
April 2023 Updates
β Image Support Project: Image support has officially rolled out and is in full effect! All images in text and extras are being currently replaced by high-quality copyright-free replacements. This also means other decks can now use this feature and upload images of their own!
- Almost all previously deleted extra images have been placed back into the top of the additional resources field!
β UWorld Step 1 Tags: Many more Step 1 tags added/removed (thanks to u/KidCoLa and u/skstroh!)
β UWorld Step 3 Tags: Tags are starting to be added for Step 3! (thanks to u/anking.jacob)
β Bootcamp: Many tags being added, some include updated microbiology, pharmacology, gastroenterology, and many more
β Syntax: Tons of capitalization, formatting, and grammar errors fixed (thanks to u/abr and many other users), also changed all +/- to Β± for simplicity (thanks to u/Alex)
β UWorld Step 2 Tags: Many tags being added daily (thanks to u/herstein.jacob)
β B&B Step 2: New gastroenterology tags have started to be added (thanks to u/Mitch24)
β SketchyOBGYN: New pictures are starting to be added (thanks to u/samar)
March 2023 Updates
β UWorld Step 1: New QID tags getting added in daily! Most recently UWSA1 self assessment tags and respective QID tags have been updated (thanks u/kidCoLa)
β UWorld Step 2: 99% of UWorld Step 2 CK questions tagged in the deck! We are continuing to add QID tags every day! Some incorrectly tagged and retired QIDs are being removed as well. UWorld tables slowly getting converted into editable tables in the extra field as volunteers are able to help on this project.
β UWorld Step 3: We have some dedicated users beginning to tag the existing AnKing deck for UWorld step 3! More to come in April and beyond.
β Boards & Beyond Step 1: u/a.aniekwe continuing to go through step 1 B&B tags and updating them to be more accurate!
β Osmosis: new Osmosis tags for the Step 1 deck thanks to (u/Med_Ruben)
β Bootcamp: many more tags/video links added in.
Image Replacement Project: We have officially started replacing the remainder of the images in the text and extra fields with copyright friendly material from the web to protect the deck for future learners. This will start to take effect in early April as image support rolls out! We have allocated $10,000 to this project and are paying community members to help out - email if you are interested
February 2023 Updates
β Sketchy Step 1: Pharmacology: Buspirone, Nonsteroidal Antiandrogens, SERMs & Aromatase Inhibitors tags added (thanks Samuel!). Sketchy Anatomy sections tagged and added as well (thanks Miranda!)
β Sketchy Step 2: All of Sketchy Neurology & Toxicology tags completed and bulk updated (thanks Miranda!). More SketchyIM tags (thanks u/seongwj11!)
β Boards & Beyond Step 1: u/a.aniekwe continuing to go through step 1 B&B tags and updating them to be more accurate!
β Boards & Beyond Step 2: New step 2 tags added for the following videos (Thanks Akash!): Colorectal Disease,
β OME: Continued tag updates to reflect content on step 1 and step 3 video sections.
β UWorld tags: continuing to add step 1, step 2, and step 3 QID tags! Some incorrectly tagged QIDs removed by dedicated users.
β Bootcamp: many more tags/video links added in.
January 2023 Updates
β Bootcamp: nearly 10,000 new tags/video links added in.
β Pixorize: Thousands of notes updated as the Pixorize tagging tree has been reformatted to match the website. New tags being added with respective images via bulk updates every day by our volunteers.
β OME: 50+ tag updates on blood pressure regulation, alongside several hundred microbiology tags earlier in the month. Step 3 OME tags getting added in via bulk updates (thanks Kevin!)
β Boards & Beyond: Working with volunteers to bulk add more step 2 tags (recently added a lot of MSK and GI tags. thanks Akash!) u/a.aniekwe helping to go through step 1 B&B tags and updating them to be more accurate!
β Sketchy: All of Sketchy Surgery tags completed and bulk updated (thanks Miranda!). Working on the new Sketchy Neurology and Toxicology sections.
β UWorld: continuing to add step 1 and step 2 QID tags! Some incorrectly tagged QIDs removed by dedicated users.
β Syntax changes: hyphens before and after clozes removed for improved readability and searchability (e.g. {{ipsi}}lateral rather than {{ipsi}}-lateral). Most mnemonic cards have been updated for searchability to include the hint within the cloze.
November + December 2022 Updates
β Sketchy: huge number of IM tags added (thanks to Ryan) with plans to have more soon. A handful of Sketchy surgery completed, and a big push to have Sketchy pediatrics tags completed and integrated soon!
β UWorld tags: even MORE step 1 and step 2 tags! In addition, 1000+ UWorld-COMLEX Step 1 tags have been added (huge thanks to many users). Also, UWorld step 3 tags have begun to be added in as well!
β Boards & Beyond Step 2: anesthesia tags (surgery section) added (thanks to Emily DJ)
β Syntax changes: all missing and extra line breaks (enters) in the deck have been resolved. Additionally, β->β symbols have universally been changed to βββ
β As we plan for full image support on the web application, we have moved all copyrighted materials (FA and Sketchy) to their respective fields, as well as others (UWorld, OME, Emma Holiday, misc. B&B slides) to the additional resources field. We have plans for replacing the remainder of the images with copyright friendly material from the web to protect the deck for future learners.
β Next steps will be replacing UWorld tables as editable tables within the deck to allow information to easily be updated to reflect the newest practice questions! This is a huge project that we are just beginning to undertake now, and will take quite a bit of time and support.
August + September 2022 Updates
β VERY IMPORTANT The decks have been rearranged so that there is an AnKing head deck and then a βStep 1β and βStep 2β subdeck. It is not crucial to the update process, but we recommend putting your decks into two similar decks prior to updating so new cards do not import into duplicated decks (Everything needs to be spelled and capitalized exactly as follows: the Step 1 subdeck contains Lolnotacop, Zanki Pharmacology, and Zanki Step Decks; and the Step 2 subdeck contains Cheesy Dorian (M3), MedicalArk, and Zanki Step 2.
β In collaboration with Sketchy, TONS of videos now have updated tags and images. Check out our discounts page for a Sketchy discount: OBGYN tags done (thanks to Emily DJ), images to come soon! Miscellaneous step 2 sketchy tagging done, images to come. Sketchy Anatomy and Sketchy Physiology images and tags added (thanks to Jen, Liam, Ore and reiddd). Sketchy Pharmacology foundations, Biostatistics, & Epidemiology chapter images and tags added (thanks to Miranda)
β In collaboration with OnlineMedEd and based on user feedback, we have updated many of the OME banner links. Check out our discounts page for an OnlineMedEd discount.
β Under the direction of Pixorize, more Pixorize tags and images have been added. Neuro tags thanks to u/intergalactic_badger The images are only available through a paid Pixorize subscription (if you had a subscription previously and donβt know, send them or us an email and theyβll help you out). They are in the Extras section of the website. Check out our discounts page for a Pixorize discount.
β UWorld tags: Step 1 & Step 2 tags reorganized to work with the UWorld QID to Anki Search Add-on (member-exclusive add-on). Most of UWorld Step 2CK tagging complete (thanks to Abdulla, Jacob, u/Joshausha).
β Boards & Beyond Step 2 neurology, renal and pediatrics tagged (thanks to u/mintfanatic and u/kushapatel07).
β Syntax changes: made all a/anβs before a cloze βa(n)β to fix ambiguity; removed line breaks at the end of cards; removed all periods at the end of cards.
β Many images were moved from the extra section to their appropriate field
β Note Styling: Significant updates to the AnKingOverhaul note type are automatically sent via the [AnKing Note Types (Easy Customization) add-on](Redirect Notice Sketchy**: High quality replacements for 100s of images added! (thanks to @musamalik) 1) See [this video](**β Sketchy**: High quality replacements for 100s of images added! (thanks to @musamalik)// for details about the new note types and add-on. The add-on allows for very easy customization of the note type (with no coding knowledge!) 2) A Bootcamp field was added for future updates that Bootcamp is going to add. We are working closely with them and expect to get these updates in the near future.