👑 AnKing Step Deck Update #13

:crown: AnKing Step Deck Update #13

Date: December 20th 2024 - Jan 20th 2025

Hi everyone! :wave:

I hope you’re all doing well after the holidays! We have a ton of exciting things to get through today so let’s get started.

:rotating_light: Note

Regarding Boards & Beyond tags, we’ve heard your concerns! We will be rolling out fixes in a few days to dramatically reduce card counts and remove any “Only_step_2” tags from Step 1 cards

First and foremost, if you haven’t noticed already, the AnKing Step Deck hit a massive 100,000 cumulative subscribers on January 19th, 2025! :tada: Thank you all for subscribing!!

:memo: This Month’s Deck Statistics

43,288 note updates! :tada:

5,819 new subscribers! :heart_hands:

:white_check_mark: Deck Updates

:question:Question Banks

★ AMBOSS QIDs: Removed irrelevant tags from questions (thanks to @dillingermed)

:sparkler: Sketchy & Pixorize

★ SketchyIM: New tags + hyperlinks + images added for various videos (thanks to @victoriamarino)

  • All SketchyIM tags have now been reformatted to match the Sketchy website mapping!

★ SketchyOBGYN: Tons of new tags and images added for various OBGYN videos (thanks to @victoriamarino)

★ SketchyPeds: 50+ new images, hyperlinks, and tags added for Spine disorder pediatric video (thanks to @victoriamarino)

★ SketchyBiochem: New tags + images + hyperlinks for videos (thanks to @joshuamb)

:video_camera: Video Resources

★ Bootcamp: 100s of new tags and hyperlinks added to various cards (thanks to the official Bootcampteam!

:ribbon: Other

★ First Aid Tags: All FA tags have been updated to match the formatting of the FA 2024 textbook!

★ PANCE: Tons of new tags being added regularly! (thanks to @camicardona)

★ Illustrations: 30+ new illustrations have been added (thanks to @beejumm, @NIKI1102, @AhmedAfifi, @zarathustra)

  • New tags added for subjects for better organization, find them under “!AK_UpdateTags::AnKing_Image::!Subjects”

★ Duplicates: 4 duplicates deleted (find them in this tag tag:AnkiHub_Deleted)

★ Mnemonic Cards: 3 new mnemonic cards added (TLCFN, JOLTS, REAP)

:chart_with_upwards_trend: Project Progress

:art: Illustration Projects

Tons of illustrations, diagrams, and annotated images have been added! Thanks to @ahmedafifi, @beejumm, @ianthebfg, @mohannadkh10, @zarathustra, @niki1102, and @ahmed7!

If you want to help make great illustrations or diagrams or annotated images for the Step deck (like the ones you see below), send an email to anking.ahmedd@gmail.com

🫶🏼 Community Shoutouts

A few community members were outstanding with their suggestions this month and we want to highlight their dedication!

Top 5 community members with the most suggestions accepted in the last 30 days:

  1. @victoriamarino (1,181)
  2. @Brian_BH (570)
  3. @AhmedAfifi (237)
  4. @camicardona (237)
  5. @NIKI1102 (115)

🫶🏼 Most Liked Suggestions

Another domain we’d like to highlight is the number of likes/upvotes a user received for their suggestions in the last month! This usually means their suggestions were really well done and greatly benefited the deck:

  1. @Brian_BH (256 likes)
  2. @somarimed (48 likes)
  3. @jollydolphin (23 likes)
  4. @sleepyoso (16 likes)
  5. @yelbardisi (14 likes)

🫶🏼 Suggestion of the Month

The top suggestion with the most likes in the last 30 days was from user @spammerguy with a total of 14 likes!

Thank you to everyone who submitted a suggestion this month! :heart:

:mega: New Illustration Subject Tag

As many of you have asked, we decided to tag the AnKing illustrations by subject. You can find these tags by going to !AK_UpdateTags → AnKing_Image → !Subjects

Note: the subjects tag is a work in progress and is still not complete yet!

The illustrations are also tagged by illustrator in the same hierarchy!

:crown: Want to become an AnkiHub Ambassador?

Are you the dedicated Anki / AnKing person at your school? Then this opportunity is perfect for you!

Get the chance to spread the word about AnkiHub with a workshop and win some great perks!

Apply here: AnkiHub Ambassador Application Form(spots are limited)

:lab_coat: First Aid Forward & B&B Integration

With the help of the amazing team at McGraw Hill, First Aid Forward and B&B are now directly accessible while reviewing cards in the AnKing Step Deck!

These integrations are available exclusively for :sparkles:AnkiHub Premium :sparkles:.

Note: you’ll need a First Aid Forward and/or a B&B subscription to be able to access the content in the integration

Check out the announcement here below

:wave: Wrapping up

Thank you all for your time! Keep studying hard :muscle:

Take care everyone :heart:

The AnKing Step Deck Maintainers :white_heart:

If you have the time, please feel free to review us on AnkiWeb! → https://ankiweb.net/shared/info/1322529746 :heart_hands:

:link: Useful Links

Want to make a suggestion? Follow the guidelines → :books: AnKing Step Deck Submission Guidelines

Check out the update log → https://community.ankihub.net/t/anking-step-deck-update-log/166499

Get support from our team here → https://community.ankihub.net or email us at support@ankihub.net

FAQs → :question: FAQs - AnkiHub Community 20

For Anki / AnkiHub tutorials → https://community.ankihub.net/c/docs/tutorials/42

Check out the AnKing Step Deck wiki → [Wiki] AnKing Overhaul for Step 1 & 2 by AnKingMed

Follow us on Instagram → The AnKing (@ankingmed) • Instagram photos and videos

Want to volunteer to tag/add images for Sketchy/Pixorize/Boards & Beyond Step 2 or volunteer to make illustrations for the AnKing deck? Send an email to → anking.ahmedd@gmail.com



Now that’s what’s up. Go go Mr. Ahmed (and team)!!

(those are trumpets, to be clear. Lest anyone be confused; weird emoji)


Hi there! I never comment on here so I apologize if this is the wrong place to put my question. I have the B&B subscription and noticed they added 6 brand new videos under the Endocrine > Pancreas category. Will the Anking V12 deck B&B Tag be updated to reflect these changes anytime soon?

Yes, they will be updated in the future!

You can check here for updates: 📝 AnKing Step Deck Update Log