AnKing Step Deck Wiki

Welcome to the official AnKing Step Deck (V12) wiki!

Please reference the following materials if you would like to learn more about the history of the deck, what the tags mean, frequently asked questions, and much more!:

Rules for making suggestions (failing to follow these rules will result in automatic rejection):

Want to see what kind of changes are happening to the deck? Check out the updates log which we update monthly :):

Thank you to our incredible maintainer team:

:sparkles:Introduction to the Deck

β†’ ⭐️ Introduction to the AnKing Step Deck (V12)

:open_book:How do I use the deck?

β†’ πŸ§‘β€πŸ’» How do I use the AnKing Step Deck?

:label: What do all the tags mean?

β†’ 🏷️ What do all the tags mean in the AnKing Step Deck?

:window: What are all the fields for?

β†’ ✏️ What do all the fields mean in the AnKing Step Deck?

:eye: What has been updated?

β†’ πŸ“ AnKing Step Deck Update Log

:people_hugging:Huge thank you to the following:

β†’ πŸ“ AnKing Step Deck Updates & Acknowledgements 🫢🏼

:hourglass_flowing_sand: Download the deck

β†’ πŸ‘‘ Downloading the AnKing Step Deck

:question:Frequently asked questions

β†’ ❓ AnKing Step Deck FAQs

:link: Link to parts of this wiki


Updates log:

Rules for making suggestions:

Maintainer team:


FAQ - missing media:

A post was split to a new topic: First Aid Images