❓ AnKing Step Deck FAQs

:question:Frequently asked questions


Q: Will the v12 deck only be on AnkiHub?

Will the V12 AnKing Step Deck only be on AnkiHub?

Q: Can I protect my scheduling?

Does AnkiHub protect my card scheduling?

Q: Can I protect my edits?

Can I protect my own edits when subscribing to the AnKing Step Deck?

Q: Why should I get v12 on AnkiHub instead of v11?

Why should I get V12 of the AnKing Step Deck on AnkiHub instead of V11?

Q: Does the deck cost money?

Does the AnKing Step Deck cost money?

Q: What if I can’t afford AnkiHub?

What if I can't afford AnkiHub?

Get help / Troubleshooting

Q: How do I get individualized help with this deck, with Anki or my studies?

How do I get individualized help for the AnKing Step Deck, with Anki, or my studies?

Q: How do I report an issue with or feature request for AnkiHub

How do I report an issue with or feature request on AnkiHub?


Why don’t I have all the media in the deck?

Why don't I have all the media in the AnKing Step Deck?

Q: Why are Physeo media packs only available to those with a subscription?

Why are the Physeo media packs only available to those with a subscription?

Q: Some of the new media are not as good. How can I fix this?

Some of the new media are not as good. How can I fix this?


Q: Why are there no subdecks?

Why are there no subdecks in the AnKing V12 deck?

Q: Why do I have two AnKing decks?

Why do I have two AnKing decks?


Q: How do I get the UWorld add-on to convert QIDs to Anki search?

How do I get the UWorld add-on to convert QIDs to Anki search?

Q: Why do I still have V11 tags?

Why do I still have V11 tags in V12?

Q: Why do I still have V11 cards?

How do I delete all V11 cards after I have upgraded to V12? - #2

Note Type

Q: I don’t understand the :crown: on my cards and/or I don’t like it

I don’t understand the 👑 on my cards and/or I don’t like it

Please make sure to check out the AnkiHub FAQ if you could not find an answer to your question here

If you still require assistance, please reach out to us by creating a support post here on the community or emailing support@ankihub.net

:hammer_and_wrench:Recommended Add-ons

What add-ons does the AnKing recommend for the AnKing Step Deck?