👑 AnKing Step Deck Update #9

:crown: AnKing Step Deck Update #9

Date: August 15th - September 14th

Hi everyone! :wave:

Hope you’ve all been doing well!

Let’s get you caught up on the latest updates!

:tada: 20,411 note updates!

:heart_hands: 6,997 new subscribers!

:white_check_mark: Deck Updates

:question:Question Banks

★ NBME: New tags added for NBME Form 11! (thanks to @skstroh)

:construction: ★ In Progress: COMLEX Level 2 UWorld Tags added very soon, scroll down to the projects section for more information!

:sparkler: Sketchy & Pixorize

★ SketchySurgery: New tags + hyperlinks + images added for various videos! (thanks to @victoriamarino and @ahmed7)

★ SketchyBiochem: New images added for biochem videos! (thanks to @epcase)

★ SketchyPath: Updated images and tags for various videos (thanks to @joshuamb)

★ SketchyIM: 100+ new tags + hyperlinks + images added for various videos! (thanks to @victoriamarino)

  • New tags + hyperlinks + images added for new redesigned SketchyIM Rheumatology section videos (thanks to @ahmed7)

★ SketchyPharm: New images added to thyroid drugs video (thanks to @joshuamb)

★ Sketchy: High quality replacements for 100s of images added! (thanks to @musamalik)

★ Pixorize: New tags + images + hyperlinks added for many videos! (thanks to the official Pixorize team!)

:video_camera: Video Resources

★ Bootcamp: 1000+ tags and hyperlinks added to various cards (thanks to the official Bootcamp team!

★ Boards & Beyond Step 2: 1000+ new tags added for BNB Step 2 videos (thanks to @a11exa)

:ribbon: Other

★ PANCE: Tons of new tags being added regularly! (thanks to @camicardona)

★ Illustrations: Tons of new illustrations, annotated images, and diagrams added! (check them out below!)

★ Image Lag: 2000+ images were resized to help alleviate the lag issue some users were experiencing when answering cards

:chart_with_upwards_trend: Project Progress

:lab_coat: COMLEX Level Step 2 Tags

:tada: We’re glad to announce that COMLEX UWorld Level 2 tags will be added to the deck very VERY soon (in a few weeks or less)! We will post the announcement when this is done in the update log here: 📝 AnKing Step Deck Update Log

:art: Illustration Projects

Tons of illustrations, diagrams, and annotated images have been added! Thanks to @ahmedafifi, @beejumm, @ianthebfg, @aiman, @mohannadkh10, and @ahmed7!

Please tell us what you like and what you want more of! Any suggestions are more than welcome :heart_hands:

These are only a small snippet of the images that were added to the deck in the last 30 days

🫶🏼 Community Shoutouts

A few community members were outstanding with their suggestions this month and we want to highlight their dedication!

Top 5 community members with the most suggestions accepted in the last 30 days:

  1. @a11exa (2,551)
  2. @camicardona (1,939)
  3. @epcase (627)
  4. @victoriamarino (510)
  5. @lawsonspence (83)

🫶🏼 Most Liked Suggestions

Another domain we’d like to highlight is the number of likes/upvotes a user received for their suggestions in the last month! This usually means their suggestions were really well done and greatly benefited the deck:

  1. @jollydolphin (29 likes)
  2. @andrewmathias8 (28 likes)
  3. @balexfree (28 likes)
  4. @lawsonspence (25 likes)
  5. @Brian_BH (14 likes)

🫶🏼 Suggestion of the Month

The top suggestion with the most likes in the last 30 days was from user @hendren with a total of 7 likes

Thank you to everyone who submitted a suggestion this month! :heart:

:mega: Special Mentions

Check out this cool First Aid tag progress tracker that @ronin created!


:man_mechanic: New Maintainer

We’re happy to announce this month’s new maintainer! They’ve been a regular suggestor for quite some time, helping with formatting and content changes. Please give a warm welcome to:

  1. @mitchelnelson :tada:

:wave: Wrapping up

Thank you all for your time! Keep studying hard :muscle:

Take care everyone :heart:

The AnKing Deck Maintainers :white_heart:

If you have the time, please feel free to review us on AnkiWeb! → https://ankiweb.net/shared/info/1322529746 :heart_hands:

:link: Useful Links

Want to make a suggestion? Follow the guidelines → :books: AnKing Step Deck Submission Guidelines

Want to volunteer to tag/add images for Sketchy/Pixorize/Boards & Beyond Step 2 or volunteer to make illustrations for the AnKing deck? Send an email to → anking.ahmedd@gmail.com

Get support from our team → https://community.ankihub.net or email us at support@ankihub.net

Frequently asked questions → :question: FAQs - AnkiHub Community 20

For Anki & AnkiHub tutorials → 🎥 Tutorials - AnkiHub Community

Check out the AnKing Step Deck wiki → [Wiki] AnKing Overhaul for Step 1 & 2 by AnKingMed

Follow us on Instagram → The AnKing (@ankingmed) • Instagram photos and videos


Love the illustrations :heart::100:

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Hey thanks for the update. I’m not seeing the Inherited hyperlipoproteinemia table in my deck after syncing. Has it been added yet?

This will be suggested very soon, we were just adding final touches. I’ll let you know when its up

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How do you view the QIDs for truelearn? when reviewing problems, I don’t see it pop up anywhere.

They will only be added for uworld, not truelearn

Reason I ask is I see cards tagged for COMBANK. How is that being done and what’s the status on that?

It is one user currently volunteering to add them to the deck

@christianphoward It’s now been added!


Since the latest update on Anking Hub this week, I no longer am able to find AnKing cards with the UWorld “ID” tag (I was previously able to).

Is there a way to resolve this?



Go to Browse → Select test → auto


Thank you for your response. I am having trouble getting to the “Select Test” option, even with your screenshot.

This is where I am right now on my Anki app, and I don’t see where the “Select Test” option is?



This depends if you are using the QID add-on from AnKing VIP. I assumed you are, let me know if you aren’t

See this video for a tutorial: CleanShot 2024-09-20 at 10.18.22 · CleanShot Cloud

If you are not, then the tag format has changed to this


Hi again,

Thank you for quick replies.

I tried getting this add-on here (https://ankiweb.net/shared/info/607963104) but I don’t see the “UWorld” tabs under “Browse” like you do in your helpful video. Is there another UWorld add on that works? I subscribe to Anking Hub each month still.

In fact, it says this under “add ons”:

I also tried directly using the format “#AK_Step2_v12::#UWorld::Step::XXXX” and for some reason I still cannot find cards associated with UWorld ID questions.

Thank you for continued help.



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The UWorld QID addon is from AnKing VIP. It’s a separate service than AnkiHub

AnKing VIP: https://www.theanking.com/vip

Try inputting this in your browser tag:#AK_Step2_v12::#UWorld::Step::20443

Then just substitute the number each time with whatever tag you want to search

Hi, I updated and now only 3 Uworld IDs are coming up under AK_Step2_v12 in the Uworld dropdown and I can’t search up the IDs anymore. Any suggestions on how to fix this? Thanks!

How many tags do you see when you input this in your Anki browser?


Also, how were you searching tags previously? Were you using the UWorld QID addon?

Hi! I see 9390 cards when I use that tag, but I cannot search for seperate cards independently within this tag. Previously, I would select a card under the Uworld tab within #AK_Step2_v12, would erase the card ID at the end and input the ID I was looking for without issue.

Use this now tag:#AK_Step2_v12::#UWorld::Step::20443

We added the “Step” modifier to it

Thank you! This tag works!

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