πŸ‘‘ AnKing Step Deck Update #2

:crown: AnKing Step Deck Update #2 (Jan 15th - Feb 14th)

Hey everyone! :wave:

Hope you all had a great month! Since the last update, we have pushed a whopping 11,573 note updates and welcomed 2,703 new subscribers!

We have TONS of new updates for you! 38 of you voted on the last poll and it seems that a lot of you are extremely interested in the deck updates. Therefore, we will bring you a ton of them in this update post!

CleanShot 2024-02-12 at 17.24.53

:white_check_mark: Deck Updates

This month was a huge month for Sketchy-related content additions, here’s an overview

:fireworks: Sketchy

β˜… SketchyIM: New images and tags for infectious disease, endocrinology, OB/GYN, and cardiology videos! (thanks to @beejumm,@jwill, @groupg_Strep93)

β˜… SketchyMicro, Anatomy, Neurology, Biochem: New images and hyperlinks for tons of videos! (thanks to @joshuamb, @Ahmed7, @jwill)

β˜… SketchyPath: New gout & pseudogout, osteoarthritis, and rheumatoid arthritis videos updated with images and hyperlinks!

β˜… Sketchy: 1500+ pre-existing screenshots updated with higher quality screenshots (thanks to @funsizedbigboy and @musamalik

  • Sketchy images + hyperlinks + tags being added to various cards to fill in gaps! (thanks to @Jwill and @epcase )

:hammer_and_wrench: Other

β˜… AMBOSS: AMBOSS has graciously given us permission to use 5 of their illustrations! Check this one out :sunglasses::

β˜… AMBOSS Self Assessment: New tags added for the recently released AMBOSS step 1 self assessment (thanks to @DillingerMed)

β˜… NBME Shelf tags: Tons of new tags added for the NBME CMS Psychiatry form 5, 6, and 7 (thanks to @taylordugan)!

β˜… New Mnemonic Cards: Cards testing popular mnemonics are continuously being pushed out per community request! (thanks to @ahmed7 and @wildspin9!)

β˜… Bootcamp: 100s of new tags and hyperlinks for microbiology videos!

β˜… Boards & Beyond: New tags added for missing content in step 1 videos! (thanks to @kiler129 )

β˜… Developmental Milestones: Table showcasing developmental milestones has been updated to the most up-to-date information (thanks to @herstein.jacob)

β˜… NBME: Tags added for NBME form 26 (thanks to @dillingermed)

An extended list of changes can be found here: πŸ“ AnKing Step Deck Update Log

:chart_with_upwards_trend: Project Progress

:credit_card: New Card Project

A few cards were added this month. Overall, the speed of new card additions will be slowing down as we have covered alot of the newly added content now. If there is anything that you feel like deserves a new card and is being tested in UWorld / AMBOSS / NBME, feel free to make a new note suggestion! (Thanks to @herstein.jacob for heading this project)

:brain: Mnemonic Card Project

Tons of cards testing mnemonics were added. If you want a specific one to be prioritized, comment below! (Thanks to @ahmed7 and @thomas.holmes)!

:memo: Algorithm Card Project

A new algorithm card covering the workup for male breast tissue enlargement was pushed out (thanks to @Sameem!)

:camera_flash: Sketchy Overhaul Project

Special shout out to @musamalik for leading this project. @musamalik has updated over 1,500 low-quality Sketchy screenshots to high-resolution screenshots! If you want more images to be updated, let him know!

:art: Illustration Projects

Some talented individuals made some amazing illustrations for the AnKing Step deck this month!

Check some of them out below (thanks to @beejumm, @ahmedafifi, @ms1100, @dq64):

🫢🏼 Community Shoutouts

There were a few community members who stood out with their contributions this month!

Top 5 community members with the most suggestions accepted in the last 30 days:

  1. @musamalik (1,785)
  2. @beejumm (334)
  3. @cmahlen (190)
  4. @taylordugan (162)
  5. @ms1100 (144)

:mechanic: New Maintainers

This month we onboarded one new maintainer, everyone welcome @helen.nguyen!

:question:Poll of the Month

We are aware that some one-by-one mnemonics are burdensome to do, such as the HAMAARTOMAS and Flat Champ Chugg mnemonics. We are considering making them separate clozes so for example, Flat would be c1, Champ would be c2, and Chugg would be c3. However, we want to know what the community (you all!) thinks about one-by-one mnemonic cards in general

What do you think about One-By-One mnemonic cards so far?
  • I like them regardless of the length of the mnemonic
  • I only like them for short mnemonics (4-8 clozes)
  • I don’t like them at all (I want separate clozes)
0 voters

Comment below if you have any inquiries regarding this topic!

:wave: Wrapping up

Thank you all for making this month an amazing month, looking forward to seeing what next month brings!

P.S. Make sure to spend time with your special someone today!

The AnKing Deck Maintainers :heart:

:link: Useful Links

Want to make a suggestion? Make sure to follow the guidelines: πŸ“š AnKing Step Deck Submission Guidelines

Need support from our team? Make a post here: https://community.ankihub.net

Frequently asked questions: :question: FAQs - AnkiHub Community 20

Don’t forget to check out the AnKing Step Deck wiki: [Wiki] AnKing Overhaul for Step 1 & 2 by AnKingMed

Want to volunteer to tag/add images for Sketchy/Pixorize/Boards & Beyond Step 2 or volunteer to make illustrations for the AnKing deck? Send an email to anking.ahmedd@gmail.com

Make sure to follow us on Instagram to never miss out on the latest information: The AnKing (@ankingmed) β€’ Instagram photos and videos


Awesome update! Thanks @Ahmed7 !

For the one by one mnemonics I end up just making a filtered deck and doing them all at once. That way it doesn’t mess with my card timing for other cards. I think it’s incredibly valuable to have it all in one card. It stresses the whole concept and has absolutely made a difference in regurgitating topics on test but also in clinicals


Thank you for the feedback! :slight_smile: