πŸ“ AnKing Step Deck Updates & Acknowledgements 🫢🏼


:eye: What has been updated?

Check out the update log below

:currency_exchange: How do I submit changes? (and guidelines)

↓ Open this Notion page for all submission guidelines ↓

AnKing Step Deck Submission Guidelines

:arrows_counterclockwise: How do I stay up to date?

If you haven’t already, sign up for our EMAIL UPDATES here .

We hope to soon add announcement features within AnkiHub :blush:

Follow on socials for weekly updates: YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, Patreon

:e-mail: How can I help with future updates or contact the team?

Send us an email: ankingmed@gmail.com Before adding anything to the deck that you intend to share, please discuss it with us first so we can tell you how to do it.

:pray:t4:Thank You

:people_hugging:Huge thank you to the following:

The entire AnKing team: Read our bios here

Main decks: u/ZankiStep1 , u/bluegalaxies, u/lolnotacop, u/DerpyMD, u/Jonathan_Hermes, the creator of the Pepper decks, u/dorian222, u/Cheesy_Doritos, u/Numerous_Birds

AnkiHub maintainer team: Ahmed Khudair, Abdulla Jastaniah, Cameron Evans, Jacob Herstein, Eli Tanenbaum, Thomas Holmes, Victor Sabalski, Sameem Arif, Ryan Dib Nehme, Tahseen Alkaelani, Justin Williams, Shmuel Sashitzky, Mujeeb Mohammed, Timothy Dillinger, Ian Sellars, Musa Malik, Taylor Dugan, Stan Gruzdev, Dakota Morgan, Dario Sadegh, Helen Nguyen, Jacob King, Ethan Damron, Joe Simmons, Bilal Koussayer, Cooper Larson, Andy Revell, Andrew Davis, Mike Bosh, Marina Levochkina, Alex Caskey, Aaron Goldman-Henley, and Nicholas Flint

Add-ons: u/trustmeimnotadick, u/glutanimate, u/ArthurMilchior, u/truthling, u/hgiesel

Tagged 50+ videos or made other significant updates: u/DocBrk, u/DoctorToBeIn23, u/drmxyzptlk13, u/thedream95, u/dollajas, u/EmilyDJ, u/environmental_box_47, u/hoosier7923, Jesse Simon, u/MagnetoMed169, u/nw_throw, u/TrickyTopic4u, u/pineapples9, u/PM_ME_YOUR_EXERCISE, u/sleepygary15, Jabran Westi, Ayan, u/Physeo

Tagged 20+ videos: u/WutsDatBud, u/anbu5000, u/BlazinWaffles, u/iherwis, Jen, u/kushapatel07, u/noodlz_synthetase, u/reidddd, u/strangerorbitalrings, u/USMLEACER

u/94j96, u/alwayshungry_med, u/amazeum, u/Anki_Kong, u/ausernameisoverrated, u/byron2130, u/FamiliarEffective, u/FobbitMedic, u/GodIHateShakespeare, u/hippocampus3, u/HYTriangleking, u/joejoeMD, u/Joshausha, u/KingdomofBrohan, u/MadAboutMedicine, u/MHND, u/mittahrodgers, u/MozamBosque, u/nagatomd, u/neovanilla, u/nmwwinicki, u/NoPerspective93, u/psbd18, u/pyruv528, u/Ranim_Naoum, u/RapheObscurus, u/Regular-opinion, u/RockChalkJDoc, u/stickyjon23, u/StookDog, u/Therealtsmooth, u/tomatoandspinach, u/usmle_india, u/UPT, u/WikKnows, Yasmeen

And the many people who elected to remain anonymous or submitted errata and helped fact check changes!

*If you have made significant contributions and your name is not listed, please let us know so we can add it!