🏷️ What do all the tags mean in the AnKing Step Deck?

:label: What do all the tags mean?

:bookmark_tabs: To understand all these tags, it will be very helpful to understand how the decks were made


:white_check_mark: Tags are complete

:construction: Tags are still in progress (email us if you’d like to help!)

:snail: Tags are not complete and not progressing quickly because we do not have active volunteers for them

:money_mouth_face: Discount available for this resource at this link


Tag Explanation
  • The Zanki_Pharmacology deck originally had subdecks but we removed them early on after adding tags and it was not feasible to get them back at this point. Rest assured the tagging is now far superior than the original subdecks were.
  • The Lolnotacop subdecks is accurate. That deck was mostly organized by tags originally and never had extensive subdecks
  • The Zanki_Step_2 , Cheesy_Dorian_(M3) and MedicalArk decks originally had subdecks but we removed them early on intentionally because there was a significant amount of duplicates or notes that belonged to multiple subdecks. Cheesy Dorian duplicated notes and put them in subdecks. We removed the duplicates and saved one card and kept it tagged by all relevant shelf exams. After doing this, subdecks would have been inappropriate to use.


Tag Explanations

!DELETE(Duplicate) - These cards can be deleted! (Yes, seriously). They have been carefully merged (tags, images, extra field content) with a respective card that has been kept in the deck. As of V12 onwards, most duplicates can be viewed in AnkiHub suggestion history to see which card it was merged to. If you have been reviewing these cards already, you can search “tag:’!DELETE(Duplicate)’ is:new” to find only cards that are new and delete those.

!FLAG_THESE_CARDS - these are cards that you may not want to review a lot or review at all for the reasons on the subtags

PharmExtras_(topic_covered_by_micro) - These are cards that were made from Sketchy pharm, but the cards from Sketchy micro already covered this pharm principle. You can choose if you want to just do the Sketchy micro one or if you feel the duplicate coverage is helpful

Potential_duplicates :construction: - Cards flagged by our team that may potentially have a duplicate. Not all of these are duplicates and should be kept until we can properly go through them all.

SketchyPathAdds - These are cards that were added to the deck by JB who did all the Sketchy Path tagging. Some of these are decent, but the majority are likely not needed unless you’re doing Sketchy Path

Temporary - these are cards that are helpful at first when building foundations, but later on can likely be suspended as they’re very simple concepts


#B&B :white_check_mark: - Cards tagged by Boards and Beyond videos

#Bootcamp :construction::money_mouth_face: - Cards tagged by Bootcamp. (These tags were added by the company)

#Costanzo :white_check_mark: - Cards in the deck are tagged by the Costanzo Physiology textbook (Zanki made the cards based on this resource so they match very well)

#FirstAid :white_check_mark: - Based on First Aid 2021. This is probably the most comprehensive tag for the Step 1 deck and covers almost every single card.

#NBME - Cards tested on NBME practice exams for Step 1 are tagged by exam here

#OME :construction::money_mouth_face: - Cards tagged by OnlineMedEd videos (tagged by students)

#OME_banner :money_mouth_face: - Cards tagged by OnlineMedEd videos in order to link the banner images (these were done programmatically by OME and may not be as accurate as the #OMEtag)

#Osmosis :snail:

#Pathoma :white_check_mark: - The deck was originally made by Zanki using Pathoma. These are mostly his tags with some additions by BlueGalaxies03_Neoplasia & 03_Neoplasia_Alt_Tagging - The neoplasia section wasn’t initially done by Zanki and both BlueGalaxies and Lolnotacop filled in the gaps.

We combined the best of the two versions into 03_Neoplasia but left the Alt_Tagging version if you wanted to use one or the other. Most of the lolnotacop versions of the Alt_Tagging have been removed from the deck as duplicates.

#Physeo :white_check_mark::money_mouth_face: - Cards in the deck are tagged by this resource^physeo_image_update - This tag keeps track of images added to cards in the Physeo field for our volunteers

#Pixorize :construction::money_mouth_face: - Cards in the deck are tagged by this resource^Missing_image - cards that are tagged for Pixorize but do not yet have an image yet, helps our volunteers keep track^pixorize_image_update - these tags are being removed slowly as @Anonymous and his volunteers retag the entire deck to be up to date with Pixorize. Cards with missing images will use the ^Missing_image tag directly above this

#SketchyAnatomy :construction::money_mouth_face: - Cards in the deck are tagged by this resource

#SketchyBiochem :white_check_mark::money_mouth_face: - Cards in the deck are tagged by this resource

#SketchyBiostats/Epidemiology :white_check_mark::money_mouth_face: - Cards in the deck are tagged by this resource

#SketchyMicro :construction::money_mouth_face: - Cards in the deck are tagged by this resourceLesson → ##_Retired_Lessons - Videos removed from the Sketchy website or revamped into newer videos will have the OG video tag moved to the Retired_Lessons subsection in each chapter. This is to make way for the new tags and images that will eventually take their place.

uw_micro_(do_this_one_last) - Most micro cards in the deck correspond to Sketchy, however, a subset of them were made directly from UWorld questions. These are those cards (they don’t really need to be done last!)

#SketchyPath :white_check_mark::money_mouth_face: - Cards in the deck are tagged by this resource

#SketchyPharm :construction::money_mouth_face: - Cards in the deck are tagged by this resourceFA_******

  • Miscellaneous_Pharm``AKadds

#SketchyPhysiology :construction::money_mouth_face: - Cards in the deck are tagged by this resource

#USMLERx :construction: - Cards tagged based on questions

#UWorld :construction: - All UWorld Step 1 question ID #s (QIDs) that have corresponding cards in the deck are tagged here. Volunteers modify this via AnkiHub daily as they go through UWorld themselves. There are likely skeleton QIDs which had their UWorld questions removed that will stay in the deck for some time. Also contains UWorld Self Assessment & COMLEX QID tags. These can be used with the UWorld QID to Anki search add-on .

  • $AnKingAdds - cards added by The AnKing in early deck versions from the following sources:

BnB - Boards & beyond

FA2019/20 First Aid 2019 and 2020

USMLE_Rx - USMLE_Rx question bank

UWorld - UWorld

$AnKingUpdates$Errata - These are changes that were made to the deck in versions 1 though 11 prior to AnkiHub

$AnkiHubAdds - new cards added after the launch of AnkiHub

  • ^Other
    • ^EXPN - Expansion cards that were added by Bluegalaxies (unless otherwise stated) to the original Zanki deck

NBME``NBME120 - came from the free 120

BGadd - Bluegalaxies added

BGedit - Bluegalaxies edited

BGnonessentials - Bluegalaxies felt were nonessential (many of these are now essential…)


JBadd - cards added by JB with the Sketchy Path expansion. See above


PhyseoAdd - cards added for the Physeo tagging


^FA_Updates - cards that were updated based on newer First Aid content`

^Formula` - All cards which contain some kind of mathematical formula or equation are tagged here, can be used for cram decks before tests

^HighYield :construction: - A project initiated with the goal of identifying whether cards are High Yield for the purposes of Step 1 study. This was initiated after the P/F exam scoring transition to help make studying easier for users. This project is not complete.

^One_by_one - Every Step 2 card that is enabled with the “one by one” feature for revealing serial c1 (cloze 1) mnemonics in a one by one fashion.

SkinOfColor - An update introduced in an earlier version which added new images for presentations of various diseases on skin of color. This will become outdated as we replace all the images with copyright friendly material and will likely need to be updated or removed.

  • ^Systems - cards arranged by cardiology, hematology, nephrology, etc

AKadds - cards added to this system by The AnKing

BGadds - cards added to this system by Bluegalaxies

JBadds - cards added to this system by JB for the Sketchy path expansion. See above


Tag Explanations

!DELETE(Duplicate) - These cards can be deleted! They have been carefully merged (tags, images, extra field content) with a respective card that has been kept in the deck. As of V12 onwards, most duplicates can be viewed in AnkiHub suggestion history to see which card it was merged to. If you have been reviewing these cards already, you can search “tag:’!DELETE(Duplicate)’ is:new” to find only cards that are new and delete those.

!FLAG_THESE_CARDSPotential_duplicates :construction: - Cards flagged by our team that may potentially have a duplicate. Not all of these are duplicates and should be kept until we can properly go through them all.

  • !Shelf``#Cards_AnKing_Did / #Cards_AnKing_Skipped - These are the cards that The AnKing did (or didn’t do) while studying{Shelf}no_dupes - These are all cards in the !Shelf tag, but excluding any of the possible duplicatesno_dupesonly_step2 - This tag further excludes any cards that were in the Step 1 deck, giving you the option to only study “new” content


#B&B :construction: - Cards tagged by Boards and Beyond Step 2 videos

#NBME - Cards tested on NBME practice exams for Step 2 are tagged by exam here

  • #OME :construction::money_mouth_face: - Cards tagged by OnlineMedEd videos (tagged by students)Removed - Videos that were removed from OME

#OME_banner :money_mouth_face: - Cards tagged by OnlineMedEd videos in order to link the banner images (these were done programmatically by OME and may not be as accurate as the #OMEtag)

#Resources_by_rotation - The original tags from Zanki and Dorian based on the resources they used to make the cards, organized by shelf exam

#SketchyIM :construction::money_mouth_face: - Cards in the deck are tagged by this resource

#SketchyNeurology :construction::money_mouth_face: - Cards in the deck are tagged by this resource

#SketchyOBGYN :white_check_mark::money_mouth_face: - Cards in the deck are tagged by this resource

#SketchyPeds :construction::money_mouth_face: - Cards in the deck are tagged by this resource

#SketchySurgery :construction::money_mouth_face: - Cards in the deck are tagged by this resource

#SketchyToxicology :construction::money_mouth_face: - Cards in the deck are tagged by this resource

#Subjects - all step 2 cards organized by what subject they belong to*Memes - cards added by the creator Zanki. They will make your day.*Pharm_Extra - these are the step 2 cards related to pharmacology that did not fit into any of the other #Subject tags which are organized by organ system

#UWorld :construction: - All UWorld Step 1 question ID #s (QIDs) that have corresponding cards in the deck are tagged here. Volunteers modify this via AnkiHub daily as they go through UWorld themselves. There are likely skeleton QIDs which had their UWorld questions removed that will stay in the deck for some time. Also contains UWorld Self Assessment & COMLEX QID tags. These can be used with the UWorld QID to Anki search add-on .

$AnKingAddsBnB - cards added by The AnKing based on Boards and Beyond

$AnKingUpdates$Errata - These are changes that were made to the deck in versions 1 though 11 prior to AnkiHub

^One_by_one - Every Step 2 card that is enabled with the “one by one” feature for revealing serial c1 (cloze 1) mnemonics in a one by one fashion

Original_decks - These are how the original decks & subdecks were arranged. We’ve significantly modified the organization so these will not be very helpful and were left here more as a tribute to the original creators


Tag Explanations

#OME :construction::money_mouth_face: - OnlineMedEd step 3 videos tagged from the existing step 1 and step 2 decks. No new step 3 cards have been made from this content.

#UWorld :construction: - UWorld step 3 videos tagged from the existing step 1 and step 2 decks. No new step 3 cards have been made from this content.