How do I update the ankihub add on the latest user interface? Today I logged on and was prompted with the response to update to the latest version?

How do I update the ankihub add on the latest user interface? Today I logged on and was prompted with the response to update to the latest version?

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:wave: Hi, @jpw002 and welcome to the forum!

To update Anki add-ons go to Tools -> Add-ons and click the Check for updates button then restart Anki.

I’ve got the same issue. I updated to Anki 2.1.58 Mac Intel and the Ankihub Add-on is now the original add-on number (1322529746) and doesn’t show the add-on name. I updated it on the add on menu and it doesn’t show any updates.

An add-on you installed failed to load. If problems persist, please go to the Tools>Add-ons menu, and disable or delete the add-on.

When loading ‘⁨1322529746⁩’:
⁨Traceback (most recent call last):
File “aqt.addons”, line 247, in loadAddons
File “/Users/mayname/Library/Application Support/Anki2/addons21/1322529746/”, line 25, in
from .error_reporting import report_exception_and_upload_logs
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘1322529746.error_reporting’

I fixed it by removing the add on and reinstalling.