How do we rename or delete an optional ankihub tag?

I am a maintainer of an optional ankihub tag (MWU_CCOM) and I know how to successfully create an optional tag, however, I cannot figure out how to rename the tags and have the previous old tags be deleted after the renaming. On my end, renaming the tags is creating new tags on the cards, but it is also leaving the previous tag on the card. I can manually delete each card’s old tags, but how do I sync the renaming/deletion so new subscribers only have the new tags? I watched the videos but I think I’m missing something.

I included a screenshot of a card that has 4 different optional tags after renaming the optional deck cards, but my goal is to have only one updated (renamed) tag so there is a nice sub-tagged index of the cards.

Thanks so much in advance. What you all are doing at AnkiHub is AMAZING. Much love!

Jordan Phillips

I also have this problem. I created three optional tags for the Anking deck respective to my school’s curriculum, but I only want to keep one of them. How can I delete the two extra tags so that my classmates don’t accidentally subscribe to them?

There is no way for users to delete optional tags made. If you want, please give me the exact names of the optional tag groups you want deleted and I will delete them for you on our end

Dear Ahmed7,
Could you please delete 2 optional tags on my account:
Delete – !UCC_GEM_Anking_Tags
Delete – University_College_Cork,_Ireland

Do not delete the optional tag: !University_College_Cork_GEM

Thank you!

Alright they have been deleted!

Let us know if you need anything else :grinning:

Thank you! Perfect!

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