I can't add my ANKING Overhaul

Before the error happened, I was…
[Replace this text.]

Error message (don't change this)
Anki 2.1.61 (0c1eaf4c) Python 3.9.15 Qt 6.4.2 PyQt 6.4.0
Platform: Windows-10-10.0.22621
Flags: frz=True ao=True sv=2
Add-ons, last update check: 2023-07-16 11:25:40

Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "aqt.taskman", line 122, in _on_closures_pending

  File "aqt.taskman", line 71, in <lambda>

  File "aqt.taskman", line 90, in wrapped_done

  File "C:\Users\Gerik\AppData\Roaming\Anki2\addons21\1322529746\gui\operations\deck_installation.py", line 39, in on_install_done

  File "C:\Users\Gerik\AppData\Roaming\Anki2\addons21\1322529746\gui\operations\ankihub_sync.py", line 17, in on_new_deck_subscriptions_done

  File "C:\Users\Gerik\AppData\Roaming\Anki2\addons21\1322529746\gui\menu.py", line 403, in on_done

  File "concurrent.futures._base", line 439, in result

  File "concurrent.futures._base", line 391, in __get_result

  File "C:\Users\Gerik\AppData\Roaming\Anki2\addons21\1322529746\gui\operations\deck_installation.py", line 37, in on_install_done
    import_results: List[AnkiHubImportResult] = future.result()

  File "concurrent.futures._base", line 439, in result

  File "concurrent.futures._base", line 391, in __get_result

  File "concurrent.futures.thread", line 58, in run

  File "C:\Users\Gerik\AppData\Roaming\Anki2\addons21\1322529746\gui\operations\deck_installation.py", line 85, in <lambda>
    task=lambda: _download_and_install_decks_inner(ankihub_dids),

  File "C:\Users\Gerik\AppData\Roaming\Anki2\addons21\1322529746\gui\operations\deck_installation.py", line 114, in _download_and_install_decks_inner
    raise exceptions[0]

1322529746.gui.exceptions.DeckDownloadAndInstallError: Error while downloading and installing deck e77aedfe-a636-40e2-8169-2fce2673187e: 1 template required

Sentry link (for developers)

Can you elaborate further?

I have the same problem, although I’m subscribed to the deck it won’t install in my computer. I’ve tried to download other decks and it works perfectly

When I restart ANKI this is the message I get

Can you try this:

Unsubscribe to the deck on the ankihub addon β†’ unsubscribe to the deck on the ankihub website β†’ resubscribe again on the website β†’ press sync on anki

If you need further guidance these might be of use:

Please refer to the AnkiHub documentation here: 🎬 Get Started - AnkiHub