PM&R Deck Update: Photos

My current focus is on fixing an issue with the pictures.

Some pictures are not showing up currently. I am going through to replace old pics that aren’t working with images that will work. In the meantime, if anyone in the community has a good picture that would fit, I would appreciate the help. You can replace the image & suggest a change of the card. Once approved, everyone can see the change so others can benefit.

Hi, I am not seeing any photos for the deck. Is there an associated Google Drive folder with the images in it to download? Thanks, it’s really comprehensive!

Hi. Were you able to add in the pictures? This deck is awesome and I have been using it to gear up for boards.

Hi there! I have been going through & adding pictures back in. However, to make things faster, if you find a good image you can edit the card & make a suggested change. Then I can approve it & everyone will get the benefit.

Hi there! I have been going through & adding pictures back in. However, to make things faster, if you find a good image you can edit the card & make a suggested change. Then I can approve it & everyone will get the benefit.