[Wiki] Cardiac Ultrasound by God_Have_MRSA

Welcome to the Cardiac Ultrasound Deck Wiki! :tada::star2:

:sparkles: This echo deck covers the basics of probe positioning, various axis views and how to identify them, as well as pertinent anatomy you should be able to recognize in each view.

:clapper: Perk: most of the images in this deck are gifs making it much more easy to apply to real life.

:books: Common sources used:

:crystal_ball: This deck is a work-in-progress; community suggestions welcome and encouraged! Currently, this deck only has echos but in the future, adding TEE gifs may be helpful. Reach out if you have knowledge and would like to contribute!

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Hello. I am sorry, I canโ€™t see the deck itself. I was hoping to use it for my rotation. Thanks!