New & improved “OMM for COMLEX”
- With the most up-to-date note types and suggestions!
Link to the original deck by Antibrotease (Wonwander) on Reddit
Media must be downloaded separately
- Use the link below:
Media folder (MEGA): 447.62 MB folder on MEGA
Decryption key: G3UILwJKeyod8El1Jy-bYg - Note button Images
–HUGE thank you to the original deck owner for all their hard work and time putting this together. Even bigger thanks for allowing me ( Jwill ) to take over and continue updating this deck.
—Here you will find a comprehensive deck made specifically for Osteopathic medical students. Designed to cover specifically the OMM material found on COMLEX exams.
–The hope for this deck is it be a clean resource that has no overlap with the AnKings deck specifically. So, if you have any suggestions please do submit ; updates, tags, new resources, and notes! Myself and the maintainers will look to update this deck more frequently than it has been in the past.
- We will use Savarese OMT Review 4th edition as the “Gold standard”
- Followed by Uworld/Amboss
DON’T LIKE THE ORDER the fields present??
Click here for details
- While reviewing cards you may want the back fields to show up in a specific order?
- This can be done, and isn’t too difficult.
- Follow these steps below
*As always, just to be safe, make sure to sync & Backup your deck before starting this process:
from the Deck menu, select “Tools” → “Manage Note Types (Ctrl/Cmd+Shift+N)”
Select note type “AnKingOMMhual (OMM / Jwill)” → Select “Cards”
Select “Back Template”
Scroll down slowly (not that far) till you see “
Fields will appear in the order they are listed here (despite the order they are in the browser which must remain the same) Each field begins and ends with its name and is separated by a line-break.
Cut and paste WHOLE section for the field in the order desired. (Ex. Missed Questions below)
Verify in the preview screen on the right that fields button are appearing in their desired order.
Save and Done
DON’T WANT TO SEE certain fields??
Click here for details
- While reviewing cards there may be some fields you don’t want to see for example if you don’t have an OME or BootCamp subscription you may not want to see those fields during reviews.
- This can be done, and isn’t too difficult.
- Follow these steps below
*As always, just to be safe, make sure to sync & Backup your deck before starting this process:
from the Deck menu, select “Tools” → “Manage Note Types (Ctrl/Cmd+Shift+N)”
Select note type “AnKingOMMhual (OMM / Jwill)” → Select “Cards”
Select “Back Template”
Scroll down slowly (not that far) till you see “
Fields will appear in the order they are listed here. Find the field(s) that you do not want to see during reviews and add "
" before the field and “--!>
” after it. (ex. BootCamp field below)
Verify in the preview screen on the right that field buttons are appearing in their desired order minus your hidden fields.
Save and Done
Default font size: Desktop & Mobile
Click here for details
from the Deck menu, select “Tools” → “Manage Note Types (Ctrl/Cmd+Shift+N)”
Select note type “AnKingOMMhual (OMM / Jwill)” → Select “Cards”
Select “Styling”
Scroll down slowly (basically not at all) till you see:
“/*~~~~~~~~~FONT SIZE~~~~~~~~~*/
- Adjust font here, default for Desktop=28 Mobile=14
(if too small change 14 → 28) - Just increase/decrease to personal preference
- Save and Done
Control Tags:
Click here for details
from the Deck menu, select “Tools” → “Manage Note Types (Ctrl/Cmd+Shift+N)”
Select note type “AnKingOMMhual (OMM / Jwill)” → Select “Cards”
Select “Styling”
You do not have to scroll it is the first thing you should see:
“Block” = tags on | “none” = tags off
Then on the front and back templates very close to the top as well you will find:
“// ############## TAG SHORTCUT ##############
- The front and back of the card can be made different from each other
- Here you can adjust the tag toggle hotkey, although I don’t advise it, (default “C”) - You can adjust the level (how much of the tag you want to see)
- 0 = whole tag
- Save and Done
Personalize Bold, Italics, and Underline Color:
Click here for details
- Because of the AnKing card styling it is possible to personalize colors to automatically apply to Bold, Italics, and Underlined words on cards.
- This can be done, and isn’t too difficult.
- Follow these steps below
*As always, just to be safe, make sure to sync & Backup your deck before starting this process:
from the Deck menu, select “Tools” → “Manage Note Types (Ctrl/Cmd+Shift+N)”
Select note type “AnKingOMMhual (OMM / Jwill)” → Select “Cards”
Select “Styling”
Scroll down slowly (not that far) till you see
The default setting is “inherit” which means that there is no change in color and will follow standard settings.
The word “inherit” can be replaced by a “HEX color code” (ex. bold changed to red below)
- link to: Google color picker
- Save and Done
Customize 1b1 Shortcuts
Click here for details
Comming soon