[01.13.2025] Other, AnKing Step Deck/AnKingMed, ID 2785118

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Does intertriginous give a blurb for Amboss? Also what do you think about moving the bit about the axillae etc to extra?

Intertriginous does give a blurb for AMBOSS (just tested). I agree about moving axillae etc to Extra.

Yeah I think also would support adding a brief definition of intertriginous to extra (e.g. intertriginous areas are folded skin areas such as the axillae, yada yada yada). I agree that word should be in the main body but also not sure it’s a word everyone would immediately recognize

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I’m not sure the % of users that use the AMBOSS add-on. If it’s like 90%+, then I’d say a brief definition may not be needed. Otherwise I’d agree with moving to Extra with the definition.

I think most people probably don’t?

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Probably define intertriginous then, imo

@herstein.jacob thoughts?

Fine with defining / including examples in extra!

In that case would we want to get rid of examples from the main cloze to get rid of redundancy? Here’s the definition from AMBOSS

“Intertriginous areas are a region in which two areas of skin come into contact with one another. Examples of intertriginous regions include the genital area, the axilla, the inframammary region, the web spaces of fingers and toes, and skin folds resulting from obesity.”

I think it’d be better to just say intertriginous areas with no examples in the cloze and then include the examples in extra like in the AMBOSS definition

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Yep, agree