quick search you are correct
There is nid:1480876324028, nid:1480876334035, and extra of nid:1480640376517; I see how this could be needed though as they don’t explicitly test Bell → CNVII lesion
@herstein.jacob @Cameron @shmuelsash @Sameem @StanG @zarathustra @Tahseen @Bilal @Morgankota13 @thomas.holmes @Joe @jwill
Mostly indifferent, lean towards support
indifferent as well, fine with it being added
Not necessary, facial nerve lesions are taught in 3/4 years of med school. Be it anatomy, ENT, medicine. But if you guys think it’s necessary to have, go ahead.
I feel like Bell’s palsy shows up a lot (on tests) even in undergrad. So, it might be a little overkill but It wouldn’t bother me if it was added, I could see how some might benefit from it.
@anking-maintainers last call, seems like we are leaning towards accepting
Would it really help? Still think this is not necessary. Will just increase the cloze count…
What if we just make it c2? so we’re not increasing card burden but can close this one out?
Ehh, agree with @Sameem. This seems like overkill for something we’ve already got at least a few cards on
Okay with @Jwill’s suggestion
I think if we go with keeping it c2 then we can accept
If we want a new cloze, we should reject since agree even if there’s no close on facial this is hammered in the deck already
Majority seems to be leaning reject now, I agree with that plan
Yeah adding another cloze for this isn’t necessary, can either add a second c2 or reject imo