AnkiHub sync deleted my old deck

Please help…the sync wiped the entire old deck off - I had suspended all the cards on that deck and had studied with that deck but the sync wiped all of that progress…is there any way to fix this?

UPDATE - was able to restore the old deck by opening the backup, however, I don’t know if I can sync without the same thing happening again. Downloading from AnkiWeb under this prompt is what caused everything.

Sorry for the late response.
The dialog on the screenshot is related to AnkiWeb, rather than AnkiHub.
You can read more about this here: Syncing with AnkiWeb - Anki Manual

If you see this message and want to keep the deck as it is on the current device, you have to choose the Upload to AnkiWeb option. Then, when you sync from a different device, you can then choose Download from AnkiWeb to get the deck state from the first device.