Anking Step 1 - Multiple Versions showing up with different cards under each version

So I recently signed up for the paid subscription and synced my anki to the ankihub. I had version 11 of the step 1 anki deck, but after syncing I have 31,031 cards under the version 12 tag , 3939 cards under version 11 tag, and 200 cards under a version 8 tag. From what I can tell, they do not seem to be duplicate cards, but I am not sure if they are cards that did not transfer to version 12 or if I can just delete them? I am concerned about deleting them and missing pertinent information , especially from the almost 4000 cards under the version 11 tag. Prior to the update with anki hub, all of the cards were tagged under version 11. TYIA.


You can check if they are V12 cards by checking to see if the β€œsuggest a change” button is highlighted.

If you cannot click it, that means it was not transferred over.

You can delete the tags and cards by following these posts:

1: Why do I still have V11 tags in V12?

2: How do I delete all V11 cards after I have upgraded to V12?