Upgrading from V11

My anking deck has 30,000 cards for step 1 and I have separate tags for step 1 and 2 V11 and step 1 and 2 V12. Even when I reverted to my backup, I had an extra thousand cards for some reason.

I do not get what I did wrong. I followed the steps on Anki hub and deleted the cards from the delete tag. Now I have seperate tags for V11 and V12. Thank you for any insight you can provide.

Right click on the V11 tag and press delete

Thank you! I tried that, but still seem to have a ton of extra cards. When I had V11, I had about 28k cards in my STEP 1 deck. Now with V12, I have 30k cards. This is after deleting all the DELETE! cards and V11 cards.

Can you take a picture of you highlight the step 1 tag and the card count?

To ensure you have all the cards, you can do this:

Please try resetting your local changes. To do this:

Go to browse in your Anki → at the top click on ankihub addon tab → press reset all local changes

This will restore everything to what AnkiHub has unless you have specifically protected those fields


I tried resetting all local changes and everything is the same. Here is a screenshot after I reset all local changes. Also, there have been no changes to my learned cards from v11 and I assumed that would drop quite a bit, if a lot of cards were merged or deleted after upgrading to v12.

Thanks for any insight you can provide.

Have you deleted any empty cards?

On Anki, go to the top left and find tools, then click on empty cards, then press delete

Also, I have around that many cards in my step 1 deck. Many cards were removed, if you do any card but see in the bottom left that the view on ankihub button is greyed out, then that is a v11 card which you can delete if you like

We are still merging duplicates weekly to reduce card counts but there is a drastic difference from V11. I am not exactly sure how many cards V11 had but there was a huge drop

I tried all of the things you noted and now have 29,338 cards in my step 1 deck. My V11 deck had about 28k so I am unsure what is going on.