The ultimate goal is to use AI to come up with synonyms and different ways of asking the same question.
For now, here’s a way to randomize the format of cards to prevent recognition. Here’s a demo:
Random format variations:
I’ve only tested this out briefly, so am not certain of the stability etc. So far it seems to be working well.
To do this:
Go to tools > manage note types > front template. For Anking/AnkiHub note types, scroll down and paste this below the area that reads:
Text below this comment will not be modified by AnkiHub or AnKing add-ons.
Do not edit or remove this comment if you want to protect the content below.
Text to copy/paste below that section:
// Fonts that are readable on dark backgrounds
var fontFamily = [
"'Arial'", "'Helvetica'", "'Roboto'", "'Open Sans'", "'Lato'",
"'Montserrat'", "'Source Sans Pro'", "'Nunito'", "'Raleway'",
"'Ubuntu'", "'Poppins'", "'Fira Sans'", "'PT Sans'", "'Titillium Web'",
"'Rubik'", "'Work Sans'", "'Merriweather Sans'", "'Exo 2'", "'Karla'"
// Colors suitable for dark backgrounds
var colors = [
{ color: '#E69A8D', name: 'Light Coral Pink' },
{ color: '#ADEFD1', name: 'Pale Mint Green' },
{ color: '#D6ED17', name: 'Bright Lime Green' },
{ color: '#FEE715', name: 'Bright Yellow' },
{ color: '#C7D3D4', name: 'Light Grayish Blue' },
{ color: '#E94B3C', name: 'Bright Red' },
{ color: '#FFE77A', name: 'Pale Yellow' },
{ color: '#E0E0E0', name: 'Light Gray' },
{ color: '#BB86FC', name: 'Light Purple' },
{ color: '#03DAC5', name: 'Teal' },
{ color: '#CF6679', name: 'Pink' },
{ color: '#FFB300', name: 'Amber' },
{ color: '#64FFDA', name: 'Mint' },
{ color: '#FF4081', name: 'Pink Accent' },
{ color: '#B388FF', name: 'Light Purple Accent' },
{ color: '#1DE9B6', name: 'Teal Accent' },
{ color: '#FF9E80', name: 'Deep Orange Accent' }
var fontSize = ["18px", "20px", "22px", "24px", "26px"];
var fontWeight = ["normal", "bold", "lighter", "bolder"];
var fontStyle = ["normal", "italic"];
var wordSpacing = ["normal", "2px", "4px", "6px"];
var letterSpacing = ["normal", "1px", "2px", "3px"];
var textShadow = ["none", "1px 1px 2px rgba(0,0,0,0.5)", "2px 2px 4px rgba(0,0,0,0.75)"];
// Set dark background = '#2A2A2A'; // Dark gray background
// Random selections
var randFontIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * fontFamily.length);
var randColorIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * colors.length);
var randFontSizeIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * fontSize.length);
var randFontWeightIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * fontWeight.length);
var randFontStyleIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * fontStyle.length);
var randWordSpacingIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * wordSpacing.length);
var randLetterSpacingIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * letterSpacing.length);
var randTextShadowIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * textShadow.length);
var textAlign = ["center", "left", "right", "justify"];
var textTransform = ["none", "uppercase", "lowercase", "capitalize"];
var randTextAlignIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * textAlign.length);
var randTextTransformIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * textTransform.length);
// Apply styles to the text content only, excluding countdown timer
function applyRandomStylesToTextContent() {
var contentElement = document.getElementById('text'); // Ensure text has this id
if (contentElement) {
// Apply styles = fontFamily[randFontIndex]; = colors[randColorIndex].color; = fontSize[randFontSizeIndex]; = fontWeight[randFontWeightIndex]; = fontStyle[randFontStyleIndex]; = "none"; // Ensure no underlining = wordSpacing[randWordSpacingIndex]; = letterSpacing[randLetterSpacingIndex]; = textShadow[randTextShadowIndex]; = textAlign[randTextAlignIndex]; = textTransform[randTextTransformIndex];
// Function to insert random line breaks between words (not in the middle of words or near punctuation)
function insertRandomLineBreaks(element) {
var walker = document.createTreeWalker(element, NodeFilter.SHOW_TEXT, null, false);
var textNodes = [];
var node;
// Collect all text nodes
while (node = walker.nextNode()) {
if (node.nodeValue.trim() !== '') {
var numLineBreaks = Math.floor(Math.random() * 5); // 0 to 4 line breaks
// Insert line breaks between words
for (var i = 0; i < numLineBreaks; i++) {
if (textNodes.length > 1) {
var index = Math.floor(Math.random() * (textNodes.length - 1)) + 1;
var targetNode = textNodes[index];
var textContent = targetNode.nodeValue;
// Find a valid position to insert a line break (after a space, not near punctuation)
var validPositions = [];
for (var j = 0; j < textContent.length; j++) {
if (textContent[j] === ' ' && !/[.,;!?-]/.test(textContent[j + 1]) && !/[.,;!?-]/.test(textContent[j - 1])) {
if (validPositions.length > 0) {
var breakPosition = validPositions[Math.floor(Math.random() * validPositions.length)];
// Create a new node for the text before and after the break
var beforeBreak = document.createTextNode(textContent.slice(0, breakPosition));
var afterBreak = document.createTextNode(textContent.slice(breakPosition + 1));
// Create a line break
var newLine = document.createElement('br');
// Create a new span to hold the original text content and the line break
var tempElement = document.createElement('span');
// Replace targetNode with the new span
targetNode.parentNode.replaceChild(tempElement, targetNode);
// Apply random line breaks to the content
function applyRandomLineBreaks() {
var contentElement = document.getElementById('text'); // Ensure text has this id
if (contentElement) {
// Apply styles and line breaks immediately, excluding countdown timer
(function() {
Press save. FYI that sometimes the preview isn’t 100% accurate.
Open to all thoughts/suggestions on how to improve (or why this might not be a good idea). Thanks