Help needed to improve the Dermki deck
The deck could always use more images (clinical, skin of color, dermoscopy, etc), but we have to use certain resources due to copyright and make sure everything is appropriately cited.
Even if everyone just submits 3-4 images, that will go a long way in making the deck SO much better!
Clinical images
(If skin of color, put in the Full Spectrum field, otherwise put in the Extra field unless specified below)
- For DermNet images, you need to have the watermark and copy the link for the image here. Put the image in the DermNet field.
- In your suggestion rationale, please indicate that you copied the link to this form so that we can merge the suggestion!
- If you use a DermNet image in a different field (i.e. Dermpath field), please cite with “Above image(s) provided courtesy of”, otherwise the citation is already included in the note styling so you don’t need to include anything)
- The AAD Clinical Image Collection can be used.
- Must include watermarked/citation and remain unaltered. Download the file so that it is high enough quality. No additional citation is needed
- Dermatology Atlas images can be used.
- cite with “Above image(s) provided courtesy of”
- SkinDeep images images can be used. They must be watermarked and remain unaltered.
- cite with “Above image(s) provided courtesy of Skin Deep”
- Wayne State Dermatology images can be used.
- cite with “Above image(s) courtesy of Wayne State Dermatology”
- We can use any other resources online that are in the public domain as long as they are cited correctly (i.e. Wikimedia Commons)
If you know of any other clinical image resources that might be willing to share with us, please email and I will contact them. While AnkiHub is for profit, the Dermki deck is considered a “nonprofit” project and will always be free to access.
Skin of Color images
(put in the Full Spectrum field)
- For Full Spectrum of Dermatology images, put in the Full Spectrum field.
- Images can be accessed here: Inclusive Derm Atlas - JDDonline - Journal of Drugs in Dermatology
- ideally include ~3-4 images that include a spectrum of skin types
- Citation: Must be watermarked and remain unaltered. Include title credit “The Full Spectrum of Dermatology: A Diverse and Inclusive Atlas” if not in the Full Spectrum field, otherwise the citation is already included in the note styling so you don’t need to include anything
- Images can be accessed here: Inclusive Derm Atlas - JDDonline - Journal of Drugs in Dermatology
- Dermatology Atlas linked above is a Brazilian resource with a lot of images, many skin of color
Dermoscopy images
(put in the Dermoscopy field)
- For Dermoscopedia images, put it in the Dermoscopy field and cite like this:
- Title - Author - Dermoscopedia - License: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 (
should link to the webpage you retrieved the image from) - Example: Milia like cyst - Ofer Reiter - Dermoscopedia - License: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
- Title - Author - Dermoscopedia - License: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 (
Dermpath images
(put in the Dermpath field)
Tammie Ferringer, Jared Gardner, and SagixDx have agreed to let us use their images. We are adding new DermPath cards (see ‘Coming soon’ below), but we can add dermpath images to other cards to help remember the general patterns
- Jerad Gardner images:
- Cite as: “Photo credit: Jerad Gardner MD. View on KiKo” and make “View on KiKo” a hyperlink to the image used
- These amazing dermpath images and videos
- Cite as: “Photo credit: Dr. Elsensohn, Dr. Singh, & PathPresener”
- SagisDx: detailed instructions here
- Elston/Ferringer images: cards coming soon. We can then copy images from those to other cards.
- DermNet sometimes has good Dermpath images (see instructions below, make sure to add citation if putting in the Dermpath field)
Coming soon!
Likely Jan/Feb 2025 we are hoping to add:
- DermPath cards with images on the front and answer + info on the back. These are very high quality cards that are used for the Geisinger Dermpath curriculum that was created by Dr. Elston and Dr. Ferringer
- Dedicated fields for Dermnemonics and DermatoGraphix.
Thank you to everyone that has been contributing to the deck! 
If you have any questions, is a great place to start!
If you have any suggestions, please share below! If you want to help, send me a DM or email at