Help trying to change card type of a non Anking card

Hi there,

I have the Anking deck installed as well as the Ankihub add on and the addons that add new card types to Anki.

I’d downloaded the JackSparrow deck a few months ago and for the first time I was changing some of the card types to try and make it a bit easier for myself and it seems like the card type is encoded as one of the Anking card types.

This is what my Card Edit Card UI looks like (note the toolbar at the very top)

What do I click if I want to change the card type?


Can you help me know how you’ve determined that the JackSparrow deck is using an Anking note type? Perhaps I’m missing it but I don’t see anything that indicates that in the image you shared.

When I click the “cards” button in the toolbar shown above, I get this window, that has a button about “configuring Anking notetypes”

That button appears regardless of the note type you pull up. :slight_smile:

But, if you look at the top you’ll notice that it says ‘Basic ++’. That’s the note type:


If it were an Anking note type it would show up as something like:


That button appears regardless of the note type you pull up. :slight_smile:

Oh ok. Would you be able to tell me how to change the card type generally if it’s not a problem?

Yep. :slight_smile:

From the browser, select the note you want to change, and click here:
