Lengthy Cloze cards appear blank

Started using AnkiHub recently and greatly appreciate the new toggle feature. However, it seems like it doesn’t work for certain cards. I have noticed it has not worked for two cards as of now:
Anki ID:

When these cards appear they are completely blank. Seems like it might be due to having many Clozes within it? It worked ok for 1462811666951 which had 7 clozes. Wondering if this is a bug or if its an issue on my end that I can fix? Thanks!



From what Deck are these notes from? When you say that they appear completely blank, at which ankihub page are you previewing them (e.g. deck details page, suggestions page, when editing the note…)?

These are from the AnKing Overhaul deck from AnkiHub and I’m seeing this issue when I view it in my anki desktop application (currently ver 2.1.56). I can view the contents when I edit the card and also on the ankihub website just not when I am reviewing the card. For instance, while I’m reviewing a deck I see a completely blank card and I assume it’s one of the cards listed above and press “E” to see the contents of the card. Hope this makes sense but happy to clarify further!


Try running Anki’s feature for deleting empty cards. You can find it in the main Anki window → Tools → Empty Cards. Click on the Delete button to delete the empty cards.

Here’s how the Empty Cards dialog can look:


Hi Jakub, works perfectly now! Thank you all for your help.