Mobile images squeeze/stretched


Recently I made some changes to TTS on the anki cards, but now the images on iPad are stretched/squeezed. I’ve tried to search for a solution online but have been unsuccessful. The images appear normal on the computer. Below is what I have in the “Styling” section:


/* The AnKing wishes you the best of luck! Be sure to check out our YouTube channel and Instagram

for all things Anki and Med School related (including how to customize this card type and use these decks):




################ USER CUSTOMIZATION START ##############*/

/* You can choose colors at */


.timer {

display: block;

/* ‘none’ or ‘block’ */



#tags-container {

display: none;

/* ‘none’ or ‘block’ */


.mobile #tags-container {

display: none;

/* ‘none’ or ‘block’ */



#tags-container {

padding-bottom: 0px;

/* 0 normal, 55 to move up */



/*NOTE: anything with ‘px’ will keep a font that size indefinitely,

‘rem’ is a fraction of this size above and allows all text to change size with the above setting */

/* Desktop */

html {

font-size: 28px;


/* Mobile */

.mobile {

font-size: 28px;


/*IPAD ADJUSTMENTS (currently not applied)

.ipad .card,

.ipad #extra {

font-size: 28px;


.ipad .hints {

font-size: 24px;


.ipad #firstaid,

.ipad #sketchy,

.ipad #sketchy2,

.ipad #sketchyextra,

.ipad #picmonic,

.ipad #pixorize,

.ipad #physeo,

.ipad #additional {

font-size: 20px !important;




.hints {

font-size: .85rem;


/Other Fields Font Size/








#additional {

font-size: .6rem !important;


/Other Fields Font Size on Mobile/

.mobile #firstaid,

.mobile #sketchy,

.mobile #sketchy2,

.mobile #sketchyextra,

.mobile #picmonic,

.mobile #pixorize,

.mobile #physeo,

.mobile #additional {

font-size: 20px !important;




kbd {

font-family: Arial Greek, Arial;

/Step exam’s font is Arial Greek/



img {

max-width: 85% !important;

max-height: 100% !important;


/* #extra img,

#notes img,

#missed img,

#pathoma img,

#bnb img {

max-width: 85% !important;

} */

#firstaid img,

#sketchy img,

#sketchy2 img,

#sketchyextra img,

#picmonic img,

#pixorize img,

#physeo img,

#additional img {

max-width: 85% !important;


.ipad .card img


max-width: 85% !important;

max-height: 100% !important;



/* Default Text Color */

.card {

color: black;


/* Background Color */

.card {

background-color: #D1CFCE;


/* Cloze Color */

.cloze {

color: blue;


/* “Extra” Field Color */

#extra {

color: navy;


/* Hint Reveal Color */

.hints {

color: #4297F9;


/* Missed Questions Hint Reveal Color */

#missed {

color: red;


/* Timer Countdown Color */

.timer {

color: transparent;


/* Empty Link Color */


a[href^=“javascript:”] {

text-decoration: none;

color: inherit;



/* NM Default Text Color */


.night_mode .card {

color: #FFFAFA !important;


/* NM Background Color */


.night_mode .card {

background-color: #272828 !important;


/* NM Cloze Color */

.nightMode .cloze,

.night_mode .cloze {

color: #4297F9 !important;


/* NM “Extra” Field Color */

.nightMode #extra,

.night_mode #extra {

color: magenta;


/* NM Hint Reveal Color */

.nightMode .hints,

.night_mode .hints {

color: cyan;



b {

color: inherit;


u {

color: inherit;


i {

color: inherit;


/*################ USER CUSTOMIZATION END ################


/* Styling For Whole Card*/

.card {

text-align: center;

font-size: 1rem;

height: 100%;

margin: 0px 15px;

flex-grow: 1;

padding-bottom: 1em;

margin-top: 15px;


.mobile .card {

padding-bottom: 5em;

margin: 1ex .3px;


/* Style the horizontal line */

hr {

opacity: .7


/* Formatting For Timer */

.timer {

font-size: 20px;

margin: 12em auto auto auto;


/* ~~~~~~~~~ FIELDS ~~~~~~~~~ */

/* Cloze format */

.cloze {

font-weight: bold;


/* Adjustments For Cloze Edit In Review On Mobile */


.mobile .editcloze {

display: none;



.mobile .clozefield {

display: block;


/* Text When Hint Is Shown*/

.hints {

font-style: italic;


/add spacing between hints and extra field/

.hints+#extra {

margin-top: 1rem;


/* Extra Field */

#extra {

font-style: italic;

font-size: 1rem;



/* Table dynamic resize, includes mobile and tablet support */

table {

overflow-x: auto;

margin-left: auto;

margin-right: auto;

border-collapse: collapse;

overflow: scroll;

white-space: normal;

font-size: clamp(0.1rem, 1.7vw, 0.9rem) !important;

max-width: 95vw;


/* Left and right border cleanup */

table td:first-child {

border-left: 1px solid white;


table td:last-child {

border-right: 1px solid white;


/* Table dynamic padding */

table tr, td, th {

padding-top: clamp(0.05rem, 1vw, 1rem);

padding-bottom: clamp(0.05rem, 1vw, 1rem);

padding-left: clamp(0.05rem, 1vw, 1rem);

padding-right: clamp(0.05rem, 1vw, 1rem);


/* Span Correct */

table span {

font-size: clamp(0.1rem, 1.7vw, 0.9rem) !important;


/* Horizontal Header Style, applies to any row that spans all columns */

table tr td:first-child[colspan]:last-child[colspan] {

background-color: #ffffff;

color: #367390;

border-top: 3px solid #367390;

border-bottom: 3px solid #367390;

text-align: middle;

padding-top: 1vw;

padding-bottom: 1vw;


/* Alternate Header Style, set in T5 addon settings */

table th {

background-color: #ddecf2;

color: #266988;

border: 1px solid #ffffff;

font-weight: normal;

text-align: middle;


/* Alternate grey rows */

table tr:nth-child(even) {

color: #000000;

background-color: #f8f8f8;


/* Default styles if not overridden by above */

table {

color: #000000;

border: 1px solid #a4cde0;

background-color: #ffffff;



.mobile .card img {

max-width: 100% !important;


#extra img {

min-width: 30%;


.mobile .hints,

.mobile #extra img {

max-width: 100% !important;


/* Classes for individual cards */

.image40 img {

width: 40% !important;


.image50 img {

width: 50% !important;


.image60 img {

width: 60% !important;


.image70 img {

width: 70% !important;


.image80 img {

width: 80% !important;


.image90 img {

width: 90% !important;


.image40 img,

.image50 img,

.image60 img,

.image70 img,

.image80 img,

.image90 img {

display: block;

margin-right: auto;

margin-left: auto;


.mobile .image40 img,

.mobile .image50 img,

.mobile .image60 img,

.mobile .image70 img,

.mobile .image80 img,

.mobile .image90 img {

width: auto !important;


/Image hover zoom/

#extra img:active,

#notes img:active,

#missed img:active,

#pathoma img:active,

#bnb img:active {

transform: scale(1.2);


#firstaid img:active,

#sketchy img:active,

#sketchy2 img:active,

#sketchyextra img:active,

#picmonic img:active,

#pixorize img:active,

#physeo img:active,

#additional img:active {

transform: scale(1.5);


.mobile img:active {

transform: scale(1.0) !important;



.mnemonics {

display: inline-block;

text-align: left;

/* can change to center to ‘turn off’ this feature */


.centerbox {

text-align: center;


/* ~~~~~~~~~ LISTS ~~~~~~~~~ */

ul {

padding-left: 40px;

max-width: 50%;

margin-left: auto;

margin-right: auto;

text-align: left;


ul ul {

max-width: 100%;

margin-left: 0;

margin-right: 0;


ol {

padding-left: 40px;

max-width: 50%;

margin-left: auto;

margin-right: auto;

text-align: left;


ol ol {

margin-left: 0;

margin-right: 0;


.mobile ul {

text-align: left;

max-width: 100%;


.mobile ol {

text-align: left;

max-width: 100%;


/* ~~~~~~~~~ ADD-ON CONFIGURATIONS ~~~~~~~~~ */

/Compatibility with Image Style Editor add-on/

.card {

–w: 0%;


.mobile .card {

–w: 100% !important;


/*Max image width for resize images in editor add-on */

.card [class^=ui-] img {

max-width: 100% !important;


/*Compatibility with resize images in editor add-on */

.resizer {

min-width: 0% !important;


.mobile .resizer {

min-width: 100% !important;


/* Fix to make pop-up dictionary images the right size */

.qtip img {

max-width: 95% !important;

max-height: 95% !important;



#pic {

opacity: 0.0;

font-size: 16px;

font-family: Comic Sans !important;

font-style: bold;

height: 50px;

border: 0;

position: fixed;

bottom: 10px;

right: 10px;

display: block;


#pic:hover {

opacity: 1;

transition: opacity 0.2s ease;


.mobile #pic {

display: none;


/* ~~~~~~~~~ TAGS ~~~~~~~~~ */

/* Container To Fix Tags At Bottom Of Screen */

#tags-container {

position: fixed;

bottom: .5px;

width: 100%;

line-height: .45rem;

margin-left: -15px;

background-color: transparent;


/* Clickable Tags (need to download the add-on) */

kbd {

display: inline-block;

letter-spacing: .1px;

font-weight: bold;

font-size: 10px !important;

text-shadow: none !important;

padding: 0.05rem 0.1rem !important;

margin: 1px !important;

border-radius: 4px;

border-width: 1.5px !important;

border-style: solid;

background-color: transparent !important;

box-shadow: none !important;

opacity: 0.5;

vertical-align: middle !important;

line-height: auto !important;

height: auto !important;


/* Tag Becomes More Visible On Hover */

kbd:hover {

opacity: 1;

transition: opacity 0.2s ease;


/* Tag Colors */

kbd:nth-of-type(1n+0) {

border-color: #F44336;

color: #F44336 !important;


kbd:nth-of-type(2n+0) {

border-color: #9C27B0;

color: #9C27B0 !important;


kbd:nth-of-type(3n+0) {

border-color: #3F51B5;

color: #3F51B5 !important;


kbd:nth-of-type(4n+0) {

border-color: #03A9F4;

color: #03A9F4 !important;


kbd:nth-of-type(5n+0) {

border-color: #009688;

color: #009688 !important;


kbd:nth-of-type(6n+0) {

border-color: #C0CA33;

color: #C0CA33 !important;


kbd:nth-of-type(7n+0) {

border-color: #FF9800;

color: #FF9800 !important;


kbd:nth-of-type(8n+0) {

border-color: #FF5722;

color: #FF5722 !important;


kbd:nth-of-type(9n+0) {

border-color: #9E9E9E;

color: #9E9E9E !important;


kbd:nth-of-type(10n+0) {

border-color: #607D8B;

color: #607D8B !important;


/* Tag Mobile Adjustments */

.mobile kbd {

opacity: .9;

margin: 1px !important;

display: inline-block;

font-size: 10px !important;


.mobile #tags-container {

line-height: 0.6rem;

margin-left: 0px;



.banner-ome {

max-width: 300px;

display: block;

margin-left: auto;

margin-right: auto;


.mobile .banner-ome {

display: none;


#button-ome {

display: none;


.mobile #button-ome {

display: inline;



.button-general {

outline: 0;

border-radius: 0.12em;

border: 1px solid #525253 !important;

padding: 5px 5px;

text-align: center;

display: inline-block;

font-size: 9.5px;

background-color: #424242;

color: #AFAFAF !important;

margin-top: 8px;


.mobile .button-general {

font-size: 18px;

padding: 9px 7px;


.expanded-button {

display: block;

margin: auto;

margin-top: 10px;

font-weight: bold;

width: 50% !important;

background: #ababab !important;

color: black !important;

font-weight: bold;

width: 50% !important;


#button-mq:not(.expanded-button) {

color: #c26165 !important;


html:not(.mobile) .button-general:hover {

cursor: default;

background-color: #E9E9E9 !important;

color: #363638 !important;


html:not(.mobile) #button-mq:hover {

background-color: #FA8072 !important;

color: black !important;


html:not(.mobile) #button-pat:hover {

background-color: #EABCE4 !important;


html:not(.mobile) #button-fa:hover {

background-color: #FFF1B8 !important;


html:not(.mobile) #button-sketchy:hover {

background-color: #7EDEC0 !important;


html:not(.mobile) #button-pixorize:hover {

background-color: #ea8eed !important;


html:not(.mobile) #button-physeo:hover {

background-color: #A1C0C6 !important;


html:not(.mobile) #button-bootcamp:hover {

background-color: #0b8198 !important;


html:not(.mobile) #button-ome:hover {

background-color: #47C3F3 !important;


I would recommend resetting the note type with the anking note types addon

For what it’s worth, I’m having this exact same problem, and came here to ask this exact same question.

Sorry Nick, could you clarify what you mean by resetting the note type?

Do you mean uninstall and reinstall anking note types?

In the anking note types addon config, go to the tag for that note type and then click the “reset” button

Thank you for the suggestion Nick! It did not end up working for me, however I did find a solution @lane.a.conner! I reset the note type as Nick suggested, then in the “Style” section I added this

.ipad img {
	max-width: 85% !important;
	max-height: none !important; 

I’m assuming you can change “.ipad” to whatever non-laptop device you’re using. Hope this helps you.