Not able to download ankihub add on

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Not able to open the file ankihub add on


Can you go to anki β†’ tools at the top left β†’ addons β†’ get addons β†’ paste this code: 1322529746

How to download and open ankihub add on if I am Android mobile user?

I am not 100% familiar with android but I believe you still need to install anki on a laptop/computer and then install the ankihub addon there.

After that, you can download the decks on your laptop/computer β†’ sync β†’ click upload to ankiweb β†’ after that’s done go to your android and sync and click download to ankiweb

I might be wrong so I’ll also ask cc @abdo.nh since I’m not familiar with android

This anki application is AnkiMobile flashcards?

Yes! by Ankitects Pty Ltd. Thats the mobile one

The laptop/computer one can be found here:

Anki application for ipad pro?

After buying AnkiMobile, I can’t see any tools option on top left corner. There is only question mark displayed.

Like I mentioned previously, you will need to download it first on a laptop/computer.

First downloading anki on computer will allow me to access same decks on AnkiMobile app in my ipad?


This is also what I do.

I have anki on my laptop and synced with all the decks i want from ankihub β†’ then on my iPad i login with my same ankiweb account (not ankihub since there’s no addons on iPad) β†’ i sync and click download from ankiweb and i can see all the decks there

Can you suggest good decks for step 2 ck?

The AnKing Step Deck has all you need to score really well on Step 2