Outreaching AnkiHub to Medway, Medical Course for Brazilian Students

Hello, would like to announce my first outreaching attempt to get another medical company to support Anki and possibly AnkiHub. Could not amount to anything, or could open Anki for more companies and increase users

Im not well versed in corporate speak, just an Anki enthusiastic

Have you heard of Anki? We have a Wiki if you want to read more. Would like to suggest to Medway an offer to make a Flashcard subscription service with Anki integration.

Currently, Medway Flashcards are only available to those taking the extensive and intensive courses, with no way to use the flashcards beyond the Medway platform.

You can promote a good sustainable flashcard system by:


AMBOSS Official – Medical School Step & Shelf Study Resource
This extension allows you to:

  • Search for new information without slowing down your study session. Hover over medical terms in flashcards to instantly see explanations and pop-up images — across all your flashcards and decks. (GIF Image)

  • Get practice questions that perfectly match the specific Anki material you want to consolidate — all with one click. (GIF Image)

Collaborative Deck

AnkiHub / Extension
Allows to create decks with real-time updates

  • Brazilian Project – ErreAnki, AnkiHub Ambassador

Source: Reddit Ask me Anything (AMA)

If there are resources / docs on how to promote Anki or Ankihub professionally please let me know! :heart:



This is so cool of you, thank you. I’ll bring this up to the team!

We have some documentation that can be of use, and the website that you have already linked

They are all split up into different sections: 🎓 Docs - AnkiHub Community