Placeholder - UWqidAS Add On


Please help! I added the Placeholder - UWqidAS add on in hopes of generating the UWorld cards from my missed questions but after restarting anki, updating to the latest version of Anki, and redownloading the latest deck (v12), the “UWorld” tab is not showing up on my browse screen.

Any ideas on where I went wrong?

Thank you!

Your post was created in #support but is not a topic our official AnkiHub support team provides support for. We provide official support for the AnkiHub web app and AnkiHub add-on, but cannot provide official support for questions about using specific decks or other general Anki questions. You can always reference the Official Anki Support Forum. This post was reassigned to the #off-topic category so community members here can still respond and help. Please refer to the below resources which may help answer your questions:

  • AnKing Tutoring: individualized help via zoom with an AnKing team member
  • AnKing Memberships: individualized help via email from an AnKing team member
  • For issues or questions about public add-ons, please submit an issue on the associated GitHub repository (linked on every Ankiweb add-on page)

The “Placeholder - UWqidAS add on” is just a placeholder. The actual add-on is available for download on the membership dashboard