Post Step 1 Review overload


Finished Step 1 and was wondering what people do if they gave up Anki during dedicated. I don’t start rotations until Mid-March which is when I plan on starting Anki again. I currently have a ~7500 review burden that will only go up.

My current plan is to use the delay-overdue feature to get my reviews to a reasonable amount on my first day of reviewing and then stay consistent going forward. I understand this defeats the purpose of Anki but I don’t see another feasible option.

Curious if there are other ideas or people generally do something different.


This is reasonable, I’ve done the same before. It’s not optimal but it’s better than just leaving them

You can also create a custom study then filter them by descending intervals, so you see the one’s that have the largest interval first (they are usually easier) so that can help you get started as well

Another option, if you’re noticing that you’re getting many of them wrong because you’ve forgotten them, is to reset the cards back to new. Then you can do them again that way

Thanks for responding.

I think this might be better for me rather than reseting. I have like 10k cards post suspending Step1.

Only thing I worry about it my retention changing because and leading to some problems with FSRS showing cards too often, but I guess we shall see.