Request to add new notetype to community deck via AnkiHub backend

Supporting this! See also the feature request for this I put in a few months ago :smiley:
EDIT: just saw that it was already linked :melting_face:

Would be great to have the following abilities:

  • Update the stored notetype stylings (to allow for multiple international projects to use custom cards with custom stylings without you at AnkiHub necessarily needing to add compatibility with customisation add-ons)
  • Add new notetypes (e.g. IO, variations of the classic Front→Back)
  • Add fields to the stored notetype (probably the least concretely relevant, but to allow for discussions with established MedEd vendors — i.e. allow them the prominence of having their own field, as AnKing has with Pathoma, B&B, First Aid, Sketchy, and so on)
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