I am probably missing something but I have new cards that I imported into my deck which I am trying to push to the ankihub deck. I am getting the bulk suggestion summary “Failed to submit suggestions for 65 note(s)” (which is all the new notes). The pop up says “Notes that don’t exist on AnkiHub (65):” but I guess none of them should exist because they’re new cards.
If the cards were already uploaded I would expect it to say “Notes without changes (65):” but that is not the case so they must be failing to upload.
The add-on must be recognizing those new notes as existing notes for some reason. I’ll need to take a look at your database. Can you try AnkiHub > Help > Upload logs and data this time?
Hm, I see that must have been what happened. These were notes that a user asked me to add. I had not realized they were the same notes I had deleted in an earlier edit. So what must have happened is I deleted those notes, the user asked me to add them as they were deleted which then created this error.
I reset all local changes to the deck which deleted the notes but then when I added the file with the notes, I got the same error. It must be something to do with the apkg itself?