V11 to v12 update-- no tags?

I downloaded v12 following the instructions that were given on updating v11 to v12. However, it doesn’t really look like anything has changed? and when I open the deck to browse, open v12 deck tags, it only shows 109 cards total in v12. In addition, the sketchy pictures are not updated.

It’s really unclear to me what’s going on here. Are the cards actually updated, since there are some tags in v12? or do card tags not change over from v11? I am really confused.

The main reason I updated from v11 was for up to date sketchy tags and to have up to date tags on bootcamp, and bootcamp tags are also basically non-existent in this.

Photos attached of what I’m describing

Try this:

Please try resetting your local changes. To do this:

Go to browse in your Anki → at the top click on ankihub addon tab → press reset all local changes

This will restore everything to what AnkiHub has unless you have specifically protected those fields

Thank you! I did this and while it did update/add the v12 tags, it seems like many of the tags are missing? For example, Sketchy Pharm only shows 01_Autonomic Drugs, 05_GI & Endocrine, and 07_Antimicrobials. Within those it doesn’t even show all of the drugs that sketchy has under each. It does not show any of the other classifications of drugs at all.

Similarly, the photos of sketchy videos still are not updated (I’m specifically looking at the nitrates video).

Are the AnKing tags purposefully left incomplete? Are the Sketchy video photos not updated?

All tags are complete for Sketchy step 1 and most of the those sketchy videos are updated.

Do you have a separate Sketchy deck installed? or a previous Zanki deck?

Resetting local changes should fix this, can you try doing it once again?

I didn’t have a previous sketchy or zanki deck installed, but when I tried the reset a second time it fixed it. Thanks!

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