V12 not revealing cloze fields and simply skipping to the next card on hitting spacebar. Extra fields also not hidden before revealing the answer anymore

I just recently updates to v12 using ankihub. However, The new card type is very counterintuitive for me. In v11, when I was shown a card, only the front of the card was visible and when I hit spacebar, the cloze field would show the answer and if I was correct, I would hit the spacebar to answer GOOD. That allowed me to do my reviews quickly.

Now I have to click reveal or toggle all separately for the cloze fields to show the answer which slows me down and furthermore, the extras field (which only appeared after I used to press spacebar) is now visible even before answering which defeats the purpose of hiding the answers because an explanation is often present in the extras. Also, hitting the spacebar takes me to the next card without revealing the cloze fields first.

I am very distressed by this change because I like the other improvements of v12 but this one is a deal breaker for me. It is basically defeating the idea of flashcards for me. Cant give up on flashcards because they are the only thing that aid my retention.

Please install the AnKing note type addon to configure all these features, the cards will not show the extra before finishing the review. Also you can press β€œN” to open those clozes for the 1by1 cards. If you do not want the 1by1 clozes, you can use the β€œAnkiHub_Protect::All” and remove the β€œy” in the one by one field at the bottom, this will make it so you can open everything with just one press of the space bar

AnKing Note Types (Easy Customization) - AnkiWeb (here is the addon)

The AnKing Note Types and Add-on - YouTube (this video will explain everything you need to know)

Let us know if you have any more questions!

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I tried following your instructions with the installation of the Anking note type addon and it fixed my initial issue whereby the front of the card would automatically show the β€œextra” field and spoil the card. But after I hit the space button, the same issue arises. How do I configure these one by one cloze cards such that the β€œextra” field only pops up AFTER I have gone through all the clozes? Thanks!

