[Wiki] Dr Chil and Machineberg’s PM&R Master Deck V2 by michaelg1070

Welcome to the Dr Chil and Machineberg’s PM&R Master Deck V2 Deck Wiki! :tada::star2:

If when you subscribe to the deck & the photos do not load, please download the deck from the Google drive (here). If the photos do not show up, try downloading them from the media file found here PM&R Media - Google Drive using the steps in this video: https://youtu.be/Ox24jvPQAxs

Our goal is to make the ultimate review resource for residents & medical students. Whether you are looking to study for boards, or get a deeper understanding of material for upcoming rotations. We combine content from major PM&R Resources (such as Cuccurullo’s Board review, PMR Recap, Pocketpedia & more) with knowledge from expert academic physiatrists.

AnkiHub is the ideal resource for PM&R study material, since we can work together as a team & collaborate. If you have mnemonics, explanations or if you learn something that would be valuable for others, please make a suggestion & we would love to add it.

For information on how to Make Suggestions or Suggest new Notes, please check out: https://youtu.be/SnKNcA4Wd34

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only 1000 of the cards could be uploaded to my anki. Idk why. Is anyone else having this problem? I re-installed anki and everything. Just says like 2100 of the cards can’t be copied due to error

Hi there. I would try downloading the cards from the Google drive, & then subscribing to the deck again & see if that works. Let me know if it’s still not working.

I’ve done that multiple times. This is what it says. And then there’s only 1000 cards in the deck on my Anki Dash
(Also thx for the quick help)

Hmm, I found this on Reddit (https://www.reddit.com/r/Anki/comments/ly7csb/anki_skipping_notes_already_in_collection_when/). Did you try deleting everything, unsubscribing from the deck, then starting over from downloading the version from the Google doc?

It seems like the reason they are being skipped is that Anki thinks they are duplicates.

that worked, thanks so much

Question for you: When you click sync, does it still looks like the sync is loading? Often times, when you first download a large deck with lots of pictures, the first sync takes a long time as all of the photos have to download. There will usually be a spinning circle next to the sync button when this happens. If that’s the case, just give it enough time to let the loading sign disappear.

Let me know if this is not the case for you, & we can try something else.

I am having the same issue - I would suggest uploading the images to google drive and posting them here so that we can download them to Anki

Hi, no unfortunately it is not showing that the sync is still in progress and the photos did not download after being given additional time either

Thank you for your patience as I have been figuring out how to do this. Also, thank you for your suggestions. Here is a link to a Google folder (PM&R Media - Google Drive) with the exported media files. Please let me know if this works so I can then share this with everyone.

Hey Michael, thanks for setting this up. I am also having the same difficulties with images not loading. I downloaded the google folder with the exported media files but am not sure what to do for next steps in order to make this work within the Anki app. Could you provide any guidance? Thank you!

Hey there! I would recommend trying the steps in this video. Let me know if this does not work.

Hello! I tried the steps in the video as well but also have about 1360 missing media files despite downloading the Google drive deck and photos.

Same here! I have the same exact number and files missing identical to your screenshot

It is only the new version of the deck. The old version doesn’t have any missing. Michael, the files from the google drive do not match the missing files by name. I went through and checked a couple to see if the ending of the file name after the dot was the issue or not

Thank you for your help in trouble shooting this issue. I think I know what the problem is. Can you please try the same steps with this Media File (collection.media - Google Drive) & let me know if this does/does not work so I can update the documents that are shared.

Hi Michael, yes this fixed the issue! but there are still 23 missing files:

The following files are referenced by cards, but were not found in the media folder:

Missing: 1aaf67a6266e1545930d3e9ec7b0bc5c.svg
Missing: 23b373506ec737b64b6fe04730ee8df6.webp
Missing: 5bf6bccc4e57d40679e5071054f9a5d0.webp
Missing: b21911ef5df64cc441554e7551194708.svg
Missing: b27683b014f459d0af3e998e79d6be8e.svg
Missing: b2a8896c537c5b6612406f2b5e572a0c.svg
Missing: b2ac94cd1e146301f4011fb9d2821095.svg
Missing: b2e6bcaf6f83c7a1c56ac77492d12356.svg
Missing: b3d05393c4f34b12fec5827f22b9820e.svg
Missing: b3db6b4ed80d11285178e608dc4fa952.svg
Missing: b3eff2fc78c9ae7bfbb940900d464743.svg
Missing: b42787ddfa3d936735d62eaa839fb4ad.webp
Missing: b4343753351e6817d41e47c426c94345.svg
Missing: b44726b9e70458b85766412c4cc3c553.svg
Missing: b4561a91f75f084db6b98b4c2a178f4e.svg
Missing: b46c6acc842e879a0fd8ee600b330de5.svg
Missing: b476e5cdd39ec38f44a3cc1006b80675.svg
Missing: b498c3d622de34bf555a187f1dc3ae37.svg
Missing: b4c900841e78791cac6b2b23faef49df.svg
Missing: b522c2d1db69a3be13869e1455f73185.svg
Missing: b547916f3e82c49042d7651ca2b6c29d.svg
Missing: b562a80a2789c304ffcad67ceab05258.svg
Missing: b5b1b672c001c9e2cdc38e769f233021.svg

The affected amount is 32 notes. I made a separate filtered deck from just the ones with the missing media and most of them actually have a picture showing in addition to the symbol indicating a missing picture. Its the ankle ligament and hip ligament cards plus a few others. Only a handful did not load any picture at all.

Thank you for your help in troubleshooting this! I have gone through & added media to the files that were missing media & synced the changes with AnkiHub. If you are still missing media for any cards, please add a tag “missing-media” & click suggest a change, so that I can see which cards are having a problem. This step can most easily be done by going to Tools → Check Media & then selecting Tag Missing at the bottom of the window.

I will also add the media files from that second link to the original Google file so going forward users only need to download one.

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Thank you so much for working on this. I will also set up my ankihub so i can suggest changes as i come across anything

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I have 1347 missing media files when I downloaded the deck from the google drive. Do you have a step-by-step instruction on how to fill in these missing media files?