[Wiki] University of Michigan - BlueLink Atlas by nashallanrahill

Welcome to the University of Michigan - BlueLink Atlas Deck Wiki!

This wiki topic is a starting point for discussions about University of Michigan - BlueLink Atlas. :brain::lungs::anatomical_heart:

:warning: Missing Media
If media is missing after deck is fully synced with AnkiHub and Media Sync: Idle

  1. Download media zip file here: University of Michigan - BlueLink Atlas - Media.zip - Google Drive
  2. Unzip folder
  3. In Anki on desktop go to AnkiHub > Import media and select unzipped media folder

:warning: Missing Cards
This deck has 2992 cards. If you are missing cards after a complete sync with AnkiHub, and you are in need of an immediate solution, you can download a previous version of the deck here: University of Michigan - BlueLink Atlas SEARCHABLE.apkg - Google Drive
This deck does not undergo frequent revisions and this offline version should resemble the AnkiHub version with the exception of maybe a few spelling errors.

I am only getting about 800 cards when I subscribe to this and sync. What’s going wrong?

Hey Nash,

Can you approve the updated tags for the Geisel deck, if possible?


All media are missing. What am I doing wrong?

1 Like

All media is missing for me too!

Hi All,

Very sorry that several of you are having trouble with media for this deck. I just re-uploaded the deck media to AnkiHub. I also created a shared zip folder of media (see above) in case media sync still does not work–please let me know if this is the case.

There was an mistake with the Efferent ductules, labeled as afferent. This was a mistake in bluelink. It was corrected on the bluelink website, but the old one is in the deck. Thank you for making this, it helped me with every one of my anatomy practicals.