[05.04.2024] Other, AnKing Overhaul for Step 1 & 2/AnKingMed, ID 1453471

View Suggestion on AnkiHub


Thinking we could administer a poll to the community that looks something like this regarding hyperlinks:

Recently Ankihub maintainers have begun to add to the Extra Section of certain cards hyperlinks to YouTube videos, typically under a minute long, illustrating certain various physical exam findings such as Sydenham’s chorea (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wTCnbga3sqg), hydrophobia in rabies (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GbTfdVRxhXs), and REM sleep behavior disorder (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bEZeuo9ahNo). Here is what it looks like on a typical card:
Screenshot of a card
Which of the following comes closest to your opinion on these hyperlinks:

I HAVE used the hyperlinks, I have found them HELPFUL, and there should be MORE of them
I HAVE used the hyperlinks, I have found them more DISTRACTING than helpful, and they should be REMOVED
I am INDIFFERENT to the hyperlinks
I have NOT used the hyperlinks, but they sound HELPFUL, and MORE should be added
I have NOT used the hyperlinks, but they sound more DISTRACTING than helpful, and should be REMOVED
MORE hyperlinks should be added, but in a dedicated section apart from the extra section


Also @Ahmed7 if I find a Youtube channel email that I think is good for GIF-splicing, can I email them directly with the form email you showed me or should I just let you email them?

I can email them so its just one point of contact, its easier this way since whenever we get permission, I have to also send Nick which NID’s they were put in as well as evidence of the permission they granted us. I hope that’s okay


That’s totally fine haha I was just trying to make things easier for you!

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Also completely unrelated to this-- I think all newly onboarded Ankihub maintainers should be sent swag; I think those are available to order on some website or another


We could also ask if they prefer hyperlinks or the video being embedded?

I think we should stick to either GIFs or hyperlinks, hyperlinks as Nick mentioned are less intrusive. A hyperlink/GIF should supplement a card, not make it the main point (which embedding would probably do)


Yeah it would, good point
That sounds fair

Until at least we get a dedicated field on the cards


Seems like users like them where they are based on poll results

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Reached out via email, hoping for a response