Anki premium isnt working

Hello, I upgraded to Anki premium and cannot use the AI feautures where finding cards from resources or files.

The category for general support questions related to using AnkiHub.

Things not to ask about here:

Please include supporting information and documents such as screenshots, recordings, etc.

Thank you for reaching out! Our moderators have been notified and will assist you shortly. In the meantime, you can get an instant response from me simply by @ mentioning my username`. Alternatively, start a private conversation with me (see screenshot below). If you ask me a question, I will do my best to respond using only verified information found in the official AnkiHub docs and the Anki manual.

You can also find answers to common questions in our FAQ and Docs.


I would be happy to help. :slight_smile:

Can you help me understand what difficulties you’re having? Are you receiving an error message, or something different?

Hi it just won’t pop up the ai chatbot.

Can you show me your main Anki screen?

Just so I can see all of your decks, and subdecks.

I’m not sure I follow. Can you help me understand?

Separately, can you show me what your screen looks like if you click on the AnKing deck?

i was looking at the tutorial and wanted to something like this

Yep, can you click on the Anking deck and show me what your screen looks like?

Got it, thank you. :slight_smile:

Can you double-check for me what version of Anki you’re running?

You should be able to find it by clicking here from your main Anki screen:


version 24.11

Got it, and can you click here for me and show me your resulting screen:


Got it, and can you click on the Anking deck and show me your screen; we’re looking specifically for a ‘destination’ thing in the bottom-right corner

Cool. Can you click on ‘change’ destination, just click ‘okay’ and confirm it, then show me your main Anki screen?

Thank you. :slight_smile:

Can you open this up and show me?


I’d like to see where your ‘Overhaul’ deck is located

And if you click on this deck can you show me your resulting screen?
