AnkiHub AI "pop up"

I love the AnkiHub AI (GPT) and have loved it so much that I even kicked Amboss’s anki attachment to the side in favor of this. I DO WISH however, that there was an option to either move the robot around or a way that when it pops up and generates its explanatin that I can simultaneously see both the card (and its extra field) and Ai’s explanation, since my questions are brought about from information in the extra field. Thank you again so much for your continued work in ankiHub!



Thank you for the amazing feedback.

We will be moving the AI chatbot to the sidebar so you will be able to make it as small or as big as you’d like so you can see the extra section without the textboxes obstructing it!


Thank you so much for taking the time to implement said changes. I just wanted to say that this new update is great for utilizing the GPT while viewing cards, however, the GPT is now much slower and less responsive, which slows down my work flow drastically. Hopefully I am not just nitpicking but if the GPT granted faster responses more consistenly based off the anking deck then it would be AMAZING.

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When did this start occuring? In the last 24 hours?

If so, there is currently a bit of a bug with the Ankihub servers, which is preventing some users from being able to sync appropriately and utilize the chatbot

I don’t have an immediate ETA at the moment, though the developers aware and currently working on a fix. :slight_smile:

Yes, this occured only in the past 24 hours. So that makes a bit more sense. Thanks again for all the Ankihub’s work!

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