Ankihub Membership required notification

I purchased Ankihub several days ago. Just today, every time I sync my Anki decks on PC, I get a notification reading the following “The action you are trying to perform requires an active membership”. The sync appears to still occur, but I get this notification every time I sync and every time I close out of Anki. Please help.

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We are currently investigating an issue regarding active subscription status and we are already working on a fix.

We will update you in due time, thank you for your patience


I have that Problem Too. Although i have an active scholarship the notification pops up. Do u know when this will be fixed ? I am having Exams next week and this is making life kinda hard :frowning:

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Sorry to hear that! We are working to publish the fix as soon as possible within the next few hours.

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Just to inform that I’m with this problem too ;/
I have an active scholarship

Already solved here, carol!

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We have just uploaded a fix to solve the sync and memberships problem. Thank you for informing us about the issue, and we apologize for the inconvenience.
Thank you again for your patience, and please let us know if you have any problems. :pray: :sparkles:


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