Ankihub not updating new note changes made from shared class deck

I am pressing sync and ankihub sync and whenever my class uploads new notes to ankihub Iโ€™m not getting any updates on my side. Any thoughts on how I can fix this?

Are they accepting the new card suggestion?

Is it a totally new note or just a close added to a pre-existing card?

Are other people having this issue or just you for this deck?

Other people that are subscribed to the deck are not having issues. Also, when I make suggestions for optional tag suggestions they are not having issues

They have accepted the new card suggestions without review (maintainer)

Issue is I canโ€™t see new suggestions I think for some cases

Upon further attempt, it looks like I get some cards sync over time but they donโ€™t upload all at once. Is there a lag time between the cards uploading from ankihub to peopleโ€™s individual decks and does it occur ina batch process?

There shouldnโ€™t be a lag time for new card suggestions

How long is the lag until you get the new cards they accept?

Well its immediate now, seems like cards that were uploaded and tagged between a specific time frame yesterday did not sync and are missing?