Anking deck not syncing to Mac Anki app

Hi I’ve been trying to figure this out all day and have looked at previous threads about this. I even deleted my anki account and created a new one; deleted and reinstalled the app; unsubscribed and resubscribed to the deck; deleted and re-added the add on.

It only downloads “getting started with Anki” and only the instructions card for the “anking step deck”.

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I’d be happy to help. There are a few things it might be, but let’s try the likeliest solution first: Resetting Local Changes

If that doesn’t work, we’ll go from there. :slight_smile:

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The cards are most likely suspended. Can you go to Browse in Anki → go to tags in the left hand side and click on #AK_Step1_v12, how many cards do you see there?

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Thank you so much! I didn’t think of that and it worked. I’m able to see them in browse and can unsuspend them.

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