Convert Basic cards to AnkingOverhaul note type

Maybe this is a basic Anki question, but I don’t find an answer in the docs, so perhaps someone here knows the answer.

I have a deck that I want to make collaborative via AnkiHub. I was working through some testing today and submitted a suggestion for a change, then approved the change. Everything worked great, except when the update downloaded it changed the note type to the AnkingOverhaul note type.

Because the card was a basic front + back, I get an error when trying to preview the card because there is no cloz.e in the field.

OK, that’s fine though, I would be fine just taking the “back” field from the basic card and making it into a cloze deletion and adding it to the “Text field.”

However, I have been unable to find a way to perform this operation. Is this a case where all of the cards need to be manually changed for is there an automated way to take my basic cards and convert them to AnkingOverhaul note type?


Did you change fields of the local note type created by AnkiHub for the deck (it’s named “AnKingOverhaul (UTT PRITE / doc3g)” in your case)?

Well, initially, when I imported the deck, I converted the whole thing to that notetype. I abruptly realized that none of the cards would work because there were no cloz.e deletions so I converted them back.

AnkiHub doesn’t support changing notetypes, and only works with the notetypes included in the initial deck upload.

So, to use the ankingoverhaul note type, i would need to convert all of those cards to that notetype offline and then re-upload the deck?

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Yes. All note types you need to use in a deck should be included in the initial deck upload.

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